Under Sun and Skar

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  1. ExoExis
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    looks phenomenal. what hair mod are you using if you don't mind me asking? 
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      Only mods such as older F&F that adds new npcs into the game with newer heads, if that counts as hair mod. Other than that, few cases with familiar faces, I hand-picked hairstyles (if vanilla looks terrible) for base npcs using good old Better Hairs or took from other head replacer mods(Westly's). As for my PC and unique NPCs found in other posts, it's just loose converted files from Sims or collection mod of TESV. I made them wigs(helms) so that the hairstyles can be switched on the fly without needing to mess around racial heads or to restart the game (Alt-tab and edit the mesh/texture(color) instead, then re-equip to update). In other words, personal improvised mod. No convenient way other than porting them by hand to use Sims hairs in MW I'm afraid.

      To be specific here, Skysims Hair 250 and Sintiklia Donna.

      There does exist some good conversions(no idea about the permission or credits) ready for plug and play (mostly replacers), just search. I would recommend Morrowinds Epic Ladies - Wood Elves Addon since that face mod includes a few uncommon hairstyles to start with.
  2. SwordWielderHellmouth
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    What armour is that? it really complements the character!
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      The modular armor parts are mostly from Silverlight Armor Morrowind Edition, I just fiddle around bip slot settings in the Construction Set to make them uniquely customizable on my BB/MBR mixture "clothing slot system" instead of BB's (which is weird). As for the 2 pieces of clothes here, not certain if I've mentioned before: The first "moon and star" dress deviated (I stole the similar design from some suit in SWTOR) from the one in old mod MQB(Metal Queen Boutique) unfortunately now I'm not sure where to find the original mod since MWModHistory was down months ago; The other white healer robe (deviated by myself, mixed w/ Aleanne's) originally found in old mod Myrabell's Clothing Emporium also can be tricky to attain at the moment, unless someone re-uploads to Nexus or go search in Slavic/Cyrillic sites.

      EDIT: Actually just google it, both old mods can be found in the MMH & Fliggerty Mods links, redirected to Web Archive.
    2. SwordWielderHellmouth
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you! I'll definitely do that, I've been thinking of deviating from my usually dark elf characters and playing a Nord or a Breton so this will match perfectly.
  3. luciusaries
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    I have GOT to update my modlist.  This looks amazing, great work!
    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      Thank you all, if anyone pays more attention into Morrowind due to my tiny "promotion", I guess I did the right thing. :D

      To be honest my setup has much lower quality than modern MW can really pull off, in order to be run by my low-end machine. I don't even use HQ world texture mods, just vanilla, so you can notice there are sometimes jarring resolution drop happening alongside with modded stuff. My recommendation would be to upgrade the textures first, as long as you're not running the game with onboard graphics. (that's me, all of my images were taken without a card in low framerate)
      Also remember to upgrade to the newest MGE XE (if not played on OpenMW), I just learned yesterday my version (0.13) is left far behind.
  4. Chucklenutts
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Great shots and gorgeous character!
  5. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    Nice shots.