Eye of the Beholder

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  1. superliuk
    • supporter
    • 28 kudos
    You can try this for bonemold armor my morrowind looks beautyful, new texture, new meshes, increased
    distance view, but it was beautiful even back in 2005 thanks to my
    imagination.  😌

    1. freakuac
      • supporter
      • 52 kudos
      Nice suggestion, will definitely try (though my Julan will eventually have better armor then) when I upgrade the PC. For the time being I'm still looking for a stronger set of medium armor suits his Ashlander origin. Maybe he should focus more on being a leader rather than spending time fooling around as a mindless warrior.

      Yeah so true the imagination is and always will be the king for enjoying an RPG game. That's why for a couple of weeks I've been burying my head into AI stuff, trying to generate creative content for my other much older RP legacies, instead of playing game such as MW.

      Nevertheless. Great views and nice scenes (and better than mine ), we need more eyecandy for doomerbabies.