Take Me Home Country Roads

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This is one of the guar caravans I use for getting to three of the Ashlander camps - there isn't one for the  Urshilaku that I know of. Perhaps they would be unwilling to allow a guar caravan nearby.  Once I've done these trips on foot once or twice, I never fancy repeating it much. Ditto the trip to Ghostgate - I do that once or twice then use a caravan.

I have to mention here that having been in the Ashlands a great deal recently - thanks to some new mods - I got really fed up with the constant cliff racer attacks. I know they are iconic but at when using my L71 character I grew really irked by them. On one trip I killed around a 100 of the things - they'd be extinct in no time... Anyway, thanks to the author of a mod who has now reduced them to the Red Mountains (where they belong if you ask me!) and has thereby returned me to a state of Zen calm... Thank you! No screen shot for that mod of course; very difficult to show nothing! 

I like guars!