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I have comprised a color chart for the Morrowind Alchemist. Ok so I bought the book and didnt like the chart they had, so I redid it in Excel. I am sending you a .pdf file of it for you to post on the site if you so choose. I feel that this will greatly help all of the Morrowind players, as it has helped me. The only possible flaw I found was the "Ash Salts" had Resist magicka listed as both the

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I have comprised a color chart for the Morrowind Alchemist. Ok so I bought the book and didnt like the chart they had, so I redid it in Excel. I am sending you a .pdf file of it for you to post on the site if you so choose. I feel that this will greatly help all of the Morrowind players, as it has helped me. The only possible flaw I found was the "Ash Salts" had Resist magicka listed as both the second and fourth quality that they produce. My Character does not yet have a high enough skill to see all four of the attributes, so I cannot be sure if that is supposed to be that way or not. Other than that I think that the book was correct on everything else. Some of the items have qualities that no other item in the list has. Vampire Dust is the only item that has the vampirism quality for example, and Wickwheat will Damage Intelligence.