The goal of Project Atlas is to identify the most performance heavy areas of vanilla Morrowind and some popular mods and target high usage/strain meshes in those areas for atlasing. This effort involves reworking the UVs for those meshes and creating texture atlases to cover various sets.
Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
The assets in this mod are free for the community to use.
File credits
Project Atlas Team Blender Foundation
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Version 0.7.3
Added fomod
Updated archive organization
Batch files to self-generate texture atlases are no longer supported (use included textures or work with texture mod authors)
Version 0.7.2
Fixed missing texture on a few Ghostgate meshes
Fixed bad shadows on Hlaalu houses
Version 0.7.1
Added Large basket
Updated Velothi atlas - split into two separate atlases for Velothi houses and Vivec-specific textures.
Updated Kelp atlas
Added patch for Morrowind Enhanced Textures
Remade vanilla textures with the Uncompressed Textures Resource
Moved smoothed Emperor Parasols from the main archive to a separate folder. Remade the ones in the main mod from vanilla.
Remade a few problematic IT 4.0 atlases with IT 3.0 textures
Version 0.7.0
Merged AtlAd into Project Atlas
Added Azura's Coast trees
Added Ashlands trees
Added barnacles
Added Bloodmoon - cave door
Added Septims and Dwemer coins
Added Raven Rock buildings
Added Daedric statues - Azura, Sheogorath, Boethiah, Malacath, Molag Bal and Mehrunes Dagon
Added GitD patches for Common & Nordic, Hlaalu, and Redoran
Version 0.6.1
Revised installation instructions
Version 0.6.0
Combined packages
Version 0.5.2
fixed collision on ex_de_railing_03.nif & ex_de_railing_06.nif in ATL Wood Poles
Version 0.5.1
Updated GITD patch for ATL Velothi to include the Velothi window
fixed atlas generator in ATL Redware
Version 0.5.0
Added ATL Redware
Added smoothed option to ATL Urns
Added smoothed option to ATL BC Mushrooms
Version 0.4.3
Added GitD patch to ATL Imperial
Version 0.4.2
Patches broken UV in ATL Imperial and added Fort Darius Mesh.
Version 0.4.1
Added texture patcher to ATL Urns.
Version 0.4
Added ATL Imperial
Version 0.3.1
Fixed ATL Velothi - velothi entrance UV
Version 0.3.0
Added Urns by Remiros
Version 0.2.3
Updated texture replacer patcher for Wood Poles and BC Mushrooms
Version 0.2.2
Clarified texture replacer patcher on Hlaalu and Velothi
Added texture replacer patcher for BC Mushrooms
Version 0.2.1
Patched collision meshes in ATL Wood Poles
Version 0.2.0
Added Redoran set by Remiros
Version 0.1.0
Initial release
Texture atlas: In realtime computer graphics, a texture atlas (also called a sprite sheet) is an image containing a collection of smaller images, usually packed together to reduce the atlas size. - Wikipedia
Vanilla Morrowind has objects split into different shapes each using its own unique texture. This is bad for performance and is one of the game's primary FPS bottlenecks. Each shape (even within a single mesh file) requires its own drawcall. There are close to 5,000 different textures in Morrowind's data; many of which are very similar or outright identical and some meshes are split into more than 75 different shapes. Merging those meshes into a single shape which references a single texture atlas is the ideal situation for game performance.
The goal of Project Atlas (PA) is to identify the most performance heavy areas of vanilla Morrowind and some popular mods and target high usage/strain meshes in those areas for atlasing. This effort involves reworking the UVs for those meshes and creating texture atlases to cover various sets.
As of version 0.7.3, batch files for generating custom texture atlases are no longer supported due to some complications with the process which this team does not have the bandwidth to manage. Instead, PA comes with its own pre-generated atlases for several popular, upscaled texture replacers. If you wish to attempt to create your own atlases, you will have to download version 0.7.1 or older to access the deprecated BAT files. But this is NOT SUPPORTED and any bug reports or comments regarding this topic will be removed.
If you use a texture replacer which is not included in PA, we recommend you work with the mod author to create their own atlas.
It is highly recommended that new assets for the game be made using texture atlases as a best practice - especially when used in cities. Modders are free to use the assets from the Project Atlas mods in their own projects (e.g. White Suran 2 used the Hlaalu Atlas). You can find the batch files for generating texture atlases for your texture replacer mos on the project GitHub. The team is active in the Discord OAAB Server #project-atlas channel for any questions on how to make your own atlased meshes and textures or if you're interested in joining the team!