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About this mod

The mod adds a few Sixth House themed stuff. You can find them in the Sixth House bases in Ashland and buy from a mysterious member of Camonna Tong.

Permissions and credits
Exact locations

House Dagoth Banner: Piran, near Lake Nabia
Obsidian Ritual Dagger: Abinabi, near Urshilaku Camp
Obsidian Macana: Sanit, near Ahemmusa Camp
Obsidian Mace: Rissun, near Bal Fell
Obsidian Ritual Sickle: Ainab, near Rotheran
Obsidian Spear: Maran-Adon, near Nchuleft
Obsidian War Axe: Sennananit, near Hlormaren
Tramaroot Long Bow & Obsidian Arrows: Missamsi, near Moonmoth Fort
Weathered Clubs, Shalk Towershields & 2 hooded robes: Bensamsi, near Kogoruhn

All the stuff are on the unique ashghouls and NPC, so be careful.

The trader's location: Hla Oad, Fatleg's Drop Off. Go through the trap door to the lower level, then go forward. Yep, to the water. The trader sells the arrows (always), 1 random robe & shield and 3 random weapon of the mod. And be careful, don't talk with him about his House))) 

player->additem "dagoth banner" 1
player->additem "obsidian dagger" 1
player->additem "obsidian macana" 1
player->additem "obsidian mace" 1
player->additem "obsidian sickle" 1
player->additem "obsidian spear" 1
player->additem "obsidian axe" 1
player->additem "shalk towershield" 1
player->additem "shalk towershield white" 1
player->additem "tramaroot bow" 1
player->additem "thrasian club" 1
player->additem "thrasian club common" 1
player->additem "obsidian arrow" 100
player->additem "6th_ash_robe" 1
player->additem "6th_pilg_robe" 1

Mirror on Patreon.

There will be a large pause in the mod development, because of different compatibility issues of the non-static meshes .
I've founded, for example, that the Better Bodies meshes are non symmetric. And are incompatible with vanilla body type in very unwxpectable places like wrists. Actually, I'm near creating my own body replacer because I don't want to make an armor or clothing both for BB and the original morrowind bodies) 

For the "humanoid" ashghoul mesh was used male robe resource by NioLiv and prayer's animation from Animated Morrowind by Antares.


Initial release.

Added the axe mesh and fixed that bug with materials.


Added the staff&mace meshes.

Added the sickle, club, 2 shalk shields, 2 hooded robes and an alternative way to get the weapon (merchant).