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About this mod

Re-upload of latest version of Better Heads that is not available any more on mwhistory.

Permissions and credits

     The Elder Scrolls III
      Better Heads
version 2.0
       based on the work of Gorg & Arathrax (aka DarkSharp)
       reorganized by Motoki
This is a re-release of the mod formerly known as Faces of Vvardenfell. That mod was pulled do to issues regarding certain faces inadvertantly being changed and overwritten. The mod has been reorganized so nearly everything has been renamed. The only files that may overwrite now are ear files made by Gorg and a few Argonian hair meshes by Silaria and this is by design. Gorg intended the updated ear files to act as an invisible patch to his earlier hairpacks. What it does is replace the ears on those packs with updated versions where the colors have been made more uniform and also are better matched to these heads and Better Bodies. Nothing else will be overwritten. Note that if you install any of Gorg's hairpacks after installing this mod you will not want to overwrite those files as it will change the ears back to the old textures and they may not match the heads or bodies. The Argonian hair meshes by Silaria included are exactly the same as they are in her mod, so you can overwrite them or not, it doesn't make a difference.
Some other changes have been made such as re-encoding some of the dds files for better compression, changing around which faces were replaced in a couple of instances to have less old people, adding back in a face that was not used, another was created where there was a duplicate head used twice, a couple of new hairs were added, and a some minor issues with the alignments of eyes and noses on a few faces were adjusted.
Very big thanks to the following individuals whose efforts both prior and current helped make this project successful. 
Gorg and Arathrax for creating this project and producing all of the original content and to Motoki for updating and reformating that content to the level it is today.
Fariel from the Better Bodies team for helping to coordinate color matching between our 2 mods. 
Models done by:
Rhedd, Arathrax and Gorg
Existing textures selected from released works by:
Allerleirauh, Wormgod, Don Salus, Hellkitty, Eternum, Nomad, Mantodea, Sheikizza, Astarsis, Zuldazug, Noviere, Silaria, CanadianIce, Motoki, Arathrax, and Gorg
New textures done by:
Arathrax and Gorg
Inspiration for some textures taken from:
Cymoril, Carnithus, Jeremy and Texture Freak
Inspiration for some models taken from:
Lora and Nomad
All textures have been tweaked to ensure consistent color tint within an acceptable range for each race (color should work with Bethseda original bodies, Maboroshi's Natural Bodies and Better Bodies (thanks to Fariel who send me images of the better bodies textures), additionally eyes and mouths have been adjusted where needed to ensure clean blink and talk animations for the heads.
Special thanks to all the morrowind community for your support and patience.
A very very big applause for Bethesda for creating such a great game !!!
Requires Winace
The winace file will extract in its own subfolder
copy the files as follows or extract directly to your Morrowind/Data Files folder
Make sure the Extract files with full paths option is checked (enabled) in winace
The Better_Heads.ace file should be extracted directory to your ...\Morrowind\Data Files\ folder, all of the files will be placed in their proper places as listed below:
*.nif    will be placed in   ...Data Files\Meshes\BH 
*.dds will be placed in   ...Data Files\Textures\BH
Better Heads.esm will be placed in   ...Data Files\
Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm will be placed in   ...Data Files\\
Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm will be placed in   ...Data Files\
BHreadme.txt can be deleted after you have read it.
Additionally a Better Heads Extras folder will be placed under   ...Data Files\
This folder contains several optional things as described below:
a folder called Alt Vampire Textures
This folder contains an alternate selection of textures for the vampires which are attractive in appearance. The initially installed vampires have an undead appearance. To use these alternate textures simple copy the textures in the Alt Vampire Textures folder to your ...Data Files\Texture folder and overwrite the existing files. 
a folder called ESPs
This folder contains the 4 files:
Better Heads.esp which is the esp version of the esm for modders use
Better Heads Tribunal addon.esp which is the esp version of the esm for modders use
Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esp which is the esp version of the esm for modders use and,
V1.0 Initial Release
Welcome to Better Heads, the ultimate face and hair replacer mod. Unlike previous replacers which used limited models and just retextured them for the various races this mod adds approx 400 new models creating unique head and hair models for each race with extreme detail placed on quality and consistency.  
This is the ultimate culmination of what Rhedd and Allerleirauh began almost 2 years ago with the introduction of their first new models in an effort to make Morrowind a more attractive place. 
What is a replacer and what does it do? Simply answered it replaces the original heads and hairs that Bethesda provided with the game with new better quality ones. The result is that when you load your game with the mod installed every NPC in the game will have new faces and hair including your own player which can make use of the new faces and hairs through the character creation menu or the enableracemenu in the console.
However this is no simple replacer like many of its predecessors, but rather an ultimate experience that goes places no other replacer has gone before:
1. Voices were checked for the different models to ensure that the models matched the in game voice as closely as was possible.
2. Every single NPC (over 4000) in the game was checked with the replacer installed to ensure that faces, age, beard and hair color were consistent thus ensuring that older faces have mature hairstyles not ponytails and that red beards go with red hair not black.
3. Every single NPC in the game was checked with the replacer installed to ensure that hair clipping with the clothes and armor worn by the NPC was minimized as much as possible.
4. Unique vampire models were created for each race and 2 different texture sets provided to allow people with different tastes to choose the texture set they liked. The base set gives the vampires an undead look with pale vein lined faces, the alternate set provides attractive vampire faces.
5. ESP options are provided to allow and encourage others to modify, customize and grow this as they see fit.
6. Finally the mod is designed for use with Morrowind only installs, or Tribunal and/or Bloodmoon so that everyone can use it. It is also designed to be compatible with all existing head and hair addon packs that add additional faces and hair to the game and uses unique model names to ensure that future addons won't inadvertently overwrite and corrupt the mod. The only mod that should not be used with this is other head and hair replacers that overwrite the Bethseda original head and face slots.
Screenshots can be viewed at 
When you start Morrowind to play, choose "Data Files" 
and doubleclick on the box next to Better Heads.esm so that it is checked.
If you are running Tribunal also check the box next to Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm.
If you are running Bloodmoon also check the box next to Better Heads Bloodmooon addon.esm.
Morrowind Version Information: 
This main Better Heads plugin was developed using version v1.2.0722 of MW.
It has been tested on both a Morrowind-only setup and on a Tribunal setup and a Bloodmoon setup in all cases with the latest patches.
This means it does not require Tribunal or Bloodmoon, but you at least require
the latest Morrowind patches.
The Tribunal and Bloodmoon addons packs require the corresponding expansion pack be installed.
This plugin is completely clean and should not interfere with any other plugins that you are running. It is currently running with over 200 plugins on my machine with no problems.
Because the plugin is ESM based absolutely NOTHING was altered that will negatively effect the game in any way and it should work with all mods other than other peoples replacers.
This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save 
your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages 
when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you will be
able to continue on with the original game.
     10. For modders only
YES you can "reuse", "remake", "redistribute" etc some, all or any part of this mod. Gorg and Arathrax have asked only 2 things.
First that you give Gorg and Arathrax and any of the original texture artists credit in your readme and
Second that if you alter any models in any way that you change the name of the model, if you use it exactly as is please leave the name as is. (Same request that Rhedd made concerning the reuse of his stuff)
Unfortunately, we will not be able to entertain special requests to tweak this for personal tastes so please don't ask. We tried to choose what we thought were the best heads available and in many cases created new ones, as always there may be areas where not everyone agrees on this or does not care for certain faces and this is unavoidable since we cannot please everyone, nor were we trying. However do be aware these are the final choices made for the faces and will not be changing. You are of course more than welcome to customize the mod yourself. If you are not familiar with using the Elder Scrolls Construction set, there are tutorials available. A couple of good places to start are:
Technical Notes:
Heads that will use existing textures are identified in the nif file name by showing the root head texture the head will take (i.e. .....BGWE1... this head will take any texture that fits Rhedds female WE head 1). Textures are also interchangable between the two Argonian meshes.
Hairs have separate ear textures for easy recoloring for other races, but BEWARE, the hairs sizes and positioning are optimized for the race they were made for. In all probability they may not all fit the other races properly.