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About this mod

Tweaks Morrowind economy to make it more immersive/realistic/hard/unforgiving on travel, enchantment, training, repairing, spell learning, crime and mercantile settings.

Permissions and credits
Economy Settings Tweaked

This simple (1,6kB) mod tries to address a number of issues in Morrowind economy to make it more immersive/realistic/hard/unforgiving.

Travel, enchantment, training, repairing and spell learning costs were increased; crime is now more punishing and bartering is tougher; player-made potions aren't as costly for the NPCs to buy; and enchanted items now recharge slower (and also do not annoy the player when depleted of charges - thanks Gwilym!).

❓ What is included?
  • Just one plug-in: Economy_Settings_Tweaked.esp.

⚙️ How?

  • By changing a grand total of 20 GMSTs (Game Settings). That's it!

 List of GMSTs changed:
  • fBargainOfferBase: decreased bargain offer base chance (50 -> 40) [OG: abot]
  • fBargainOfferMulti: decreased bargain offer chance multiplier (-4 -> -5) [OG: abot]
  • fCrimeGoldDiscountMult: decreased bounty discount for Thieves Guild members (0.5 -> 0.7)
  • fCrimeStealing: increased bounty when caught stealing (1 -> 1.5)
  • fEnchantmentValueMult: increased enchantment costs charged by NPCs (1000 -> 2000)
  • fMagesGuildTravelMult: increased travel costs charged by Mages Guild NPCs (10 -> 120)
  • fMagicItemRechargePerSecond: decreased enchanted equipments' recharge rate (0.05 -> 0.02)
  • fRepairMult: increased repair equipment costs charged by NPCs (1 -> 3)
  • fSpellMakingValueMult: increased spell making costs charged by NPCs (7 -> 15)
  • fSpellPriceMult: increased spell costs charged by NPCs (2 -> 4)
  • fSpellValueMult: same as above, implemented by OpenMW (10 -> 20)
  • fTravelMult: increased travel costs charged by Silt Strider and Gondolier NPCs (4000 -> 1200)
  • iAlchemyMod: decreased player-made potion prices (2 -> 1)
  • iBarterFailDisposition: temporary disposition decrease when (failed) bartering (-1 -> -2)
  • iBarterSuccessDisposition: temporary disposition increase when (successfully) bartering (1 -> 0)
  • iCrimeAttack: increased bounty when caught assaulting (40 -> 100)
  • iCrimePickPocket: increased bounty when caught pickpocketing (25 -> 60)
  • iCrimeTresspass: increased bounty when caught trespassing (5 -> 80)
  • iTrainingMod: increased training costs charged by NPCs (10 -> 20)
  • sMagicInsufficientCharge: removed 'Item does not have enough charge' message [OG: Gwilym]

📙 Some details:
  • I tried to raise all the prices equally (by around 2x), so to avoid any discrepancies in comparison.
  • Silt Strider rides from Seyda Neen to Balmora are still 'fast, cheap and safe', as advised by Sellus Gravius.
  • Traveling through Mages Guild guides is now more expensive than through Silt Striders or Gondoliers.
  • Only the amount of disposition points gained for bribing was changed, not the success chance itself.
  • The disposition change when bartering with NPCs will reset when finished (closing dialogue window).
  • Killing a citizen still does not issue a death warrant, which could be troubling for some quests.
  • The Mudcrab Merchant and Creeper NPCs are left untouched - only game settings are altered.
  • Previous versions of this mod would edit the iCrimeKilling setting to increase the bounty from murder (1000 -> 3000).
    The original value has been restored in the recent version (1.4) to match the bounty reduction from Morag Tong writs.

Any more recommendations?
  • For a vanilla-oriented rebalance to the game done by tweaking more game settings only, feel free to check out Balanced Fixed Game Settings.

❤️ Original mod list:

📝 Additional notes:
  • Should be compatible with any other mod, just load it before/after to override settings.
  • Cleaned and inspected with TESAME.
  • This mod is OpenMW-friendly!

All thanks and credits go to the original modders and the Morrowind community! <3