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About this mod

This mod adds some new docks with a couple of buildings and a few NPCs to Vivec. These docks are attached to the Foreign Quarter Canton. I've tried to keep everything believable, balanced, and performance friendly. These docks can be accessed by a door in the Canalworks.

Permissions and credits

Vivec Docks

"Finally the bones of Horde Mountain landed and became the foundation stones for the City of Swords, which Vivec named after his own sigil, and the net fell across it all and between, or became as bridges between bones, and since its segments had been touched by his holy wisdom they became the most perfect of all city streets in the known worlds."

I'd always wondered why the large and bustling coastal city of Vivec had no harbor or docks to speak of. This mod adds some new docks with a couple of buildings and a few NPCs to Vivec. These docks are attached to the Foreign Quarter Canton. I've tried to keep everything believable, balanced, and performance friendly. These docks can be accessed by a door in the Canalworks.

This mod will be incompatible with any mods that modify the same areas around the Vivec's Foreign Quarter.

Thanks to Project Tamriel for all their wonderful resources.
Thanks to CandyGrl24 for the rolled paper mesh.
Thanks to Brucoms for developing the TES3 Readme Generator.