Expands the vanilla Quick Menu by adding different hotkeys for holding or double tapping a button and/or when holding a specific button. All hotkeys use the same keys as in vanilla. In total there can now be 81 different hotkeyed items/spells. Requires MWSE 2.1
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Hotfix from NullCascade for issues caused by hotkeys referencing missing objects
Version 1.1.3
Added an option to change the time between key presses for it to be considered a double tap.
Version 1.1.2
Added the option to show the different Quick Menu windows on different pages when opening the Quick Menu. This should work better with lower resolutions or the UI Scaling feature in MGE XE.
Other minor changes
Version 1.1.1
Hotkeys now work with soul gems
Fixed some bugs with readying weapon/hands
Version 1.1
If a hotkey with a weapon is pressed while attacking with another weapon, the hotkeyed weapon will be equipped after ending the attack
Hotkeys are separated into three groups: when holding no button, or, by default, when holding either left shift or left alt. You can change the modifier-keys to any button you like.
Hotkeys can be a single tap, hold, or double tap.
Hotkeys use the same settings as in vanilla, so you can also set them to mouse buttons.
Make sure you have the latest versions of MGE XE and MWSE 2.1. MWSE-Update.exe in the Morrowind installation folder will update MWSE to the latest version.
Drop the MWSE folder inside your Morrowind/Data files folder or install with a mod organizer.
Requires MWSE to work, so it is currently incompatible with OpenMW.
Should be compatible with all mods.
Thanks to NullCascade and other developers of MWSE.