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About this mod

This is a simple mod that sorts your ingredients by magical effects in order to be used as a reference while making potions.
It also shows you a list of your current ingredients as well as a list of all magical effects.

Permissions and credits
There are now two different options/files for the mod:
  • Shows all available magical effects even if there is only one item in the player inventory with said effect.
  • Shows an available magical effect if and only if there are at least two ingredients that share a common magical effect.

Simply download with Vortex or copy the MWSE directory to ../Morrowind/Data Files/.

While in the alchemy menu, press Right Shift  (default key map) to activate the helper menu.

This mod should work with most alchemy mods, even mods that add new alchemy ingredients to the game. As long as the object type = "INGR" and said object is in your inventory, you should be good to go.
This mod may not work as anticipated with mods that add new magical effects to ingredients.
The magical effects and their respective names, IDs, Attribute IDs & Skill IDs are hard coded in data.lua, held in the table data.effects{}. The data is in alphabetical order based off of effect name (thank you Excel).

Adding New Effects for Ingredients
If you would like to add new ingredient effects to this mod, follow these instructions (Skip steps 1 & 2 if you already know the magic effect IDs):
  • Open the mod that adds the effects in either TES Construction Set or MWEdit.
    (NOTE: Usually MWSE shows items added in a mod while Construction Set by default shows items from the mod's masters (base game, DLCs, TR Rebuilt, etc.)
  • Go to the magic effects tab in MWEdit or to in the Construction Kit go to Gameplay > Magic effects.
    If either program does not show the ID for the effect, then in Construction Kit click File > Export Data > Magic Effects then paste the contents of the file in Excel (optional, just makes it easier to read). The ID should be the first number located after "MGEF".
  • If the magic effect is general (such as Damage Skill or Damage Attribute) then you can find the Attribute or Skill ID here. Then either by hand or in your favorite spreadsheet program make sure that for the new effect you create new names for each of the general effects. Make sure to keep track of each specific ID and Skill or Attribute.
    For example: if the name is something like DummyFx Attribute then you want to make sure you create a DummyFx  Strength, DummyFx Intelligence, etc. then delete the original name DummyFx Attribute.
  • Now you should have all the information that you need. The new entry should take one of the following forms:
    Regular = {name = "FX Name", id = <FX_ID>}
    Modifies skill
    =  {name = "FX Name", id = <FX_ID>,  skl = <Skill_ID> }
    Modifies attribute
    =  {name = "FX Name", id = <FX_ID>
    ,  atr = <Attribute_ID>}

Plans for Future Updates
I currently have a couple ideas for future update plans, which are listed below. As of right now I have no solid date or plans for implementation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any ideas
  • Create a MWSE entry to change the hot key
  • Create a more lore friendly/less cheaty version that only will show effects based on your alchemy level instead of using all effects per ingredient.

Currently there is no keybinding remap functionality but it can be changed in main.lua by changing the filter in line 2:  hotKey = 54, which is used in the last line: event.register("keyDown", this.onCommand, {filter = hotKey})
The key to access the menu can be remapped using the list below (taken from MWSE scan codes). Personally I would avoid mapping to an alphanumeric/character key as the alchemy menu takes in the character key presses in the potion name field.

[ 1 ]  =  ESC
[ 2 ]  =  1 !
[ 3 ]  =  2 @
[ 4 ]  =  3 #
[ 5 ]  =  4
[ 6 ]  =  5 %
[ 7 ]  =  6 ^
[ 8 ]  =  7 &
[ 9 ]  =  8 *
[ 10 ]  =  9 (
[ 11 ]  =  10 )
[ 12 ]  =  - _
[ 13 ]  =  "= +"
[ 14 ]  =  Backspace
[ 15 ]  =  Tab
[ 16 ]  =  Q
[ 17 ]  =  W
[ 18 ]  =  E
[ 19 ]  =  R
[ 20 ]  =  T
[ 21 ]  =  Y
[ 22 ]  =  U
[ 23 ]  =  I
[ 24 ]  =  O
[ 25 ]  =  P
[ 26 ]  =  [ {
[ 27 ]  =  ] }
[ 28 ]  =  Enter
[ 29 ]  =  Ctrl
[ 30 ]  =  A
[ 31 ]  =  S
[ 32 ]  =  D
[ 33 ]  =  F
[ 34 ]  =  G
[ 35 ]  =  H
[ 36 ]  =  J
[ 37 ]  =  K
[ 38 ]  =  L
[ 39 ]  =  : ;
[ 40 ]  =  ” ‘
[ 41 ]  =  ` ~
[ 42 ]  =  Left Shift
[ 43 ]  =  |
[ 44 ]  =  Z
[ 45 ]  =  X
[ 46 ]  =  C
[ 47 ]  =  V
[ 48 ]  =  B
[ 49 ]  =  N
[ 50 ]  =  M
[ 51 ]  =  < ,
[ 52 ]  =  > .
[ 53 ]  =  / ?
[ 54 ]  =  Right Shift
[ 55 ]  = 
[ 56 ]  =  Alt
[ 57 ]  =  Space
[ 58 ]  =  Caps Lock
[ 59 ]  =  F1
[ 60 ]  =  F2
[ 61 ]  =  F3
[ 62 ]  =  F4
[ 63 ]  =  F5
[ 64 ]  =  F6
[ 65 ]  =  F7
[ 66 ]  =  F8
[ 67 ]  =  F9
[ 68 ]  =  F10
[ 87 ]  =  F11
[ 88 ]  =  F12
[ 69 ]  =  Num Lock
[ 70 ]  =  Scroll Lock
[ 71 ]  =  Home
[ 72 ]  =  Up Arrow
[ 73 ]  =  Page Up
[ 74 ]  = 
[ 75 ]  =  Left Arrow
[ 76 ]  = 
[ 77 ]  =  Right Arrow
[ 78 ]  = 
[ 79 ]  =  End
[ 80 ]  =  Down Arrow
[ 81 ]  =  Page Down
[ 82 ]  =  Insert
[ 83 ]  =  Delete