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About this mod

Adds eight customizable heights for the PC character in MW. Compatible with literally everything. Also causes an extremely minor alteration in PC stats based on your choosen height.

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Allows you to customize the PCs height... Within a reasonable range that it doesn't make the game unplayable at least. Simply download whichever version you want for the PC character to have... Be forewarned, I'm not sure if something extreme like a giant Altmer can fit into certain settlements however, as I haven't tested that. There is the optional cosmetic only versions, and the primary files make stature have a slight effect on gameplay. Taller characters get increased hit chance from longer arms, but a permanent fatigue and sneak penalty, shorter characters have a slight carry weight penalty with a little more stamina and a lower chance of getting hit. These stat tweaks are very slight however, and won't have much impact on any seasoned PC character.

A slight natural disadvantage is nothing training and leveling your character can't solve. Unless you go full on giant or homonuclus the stat effect is barely even noticeable, and even then isn't very much. It's a mod for roleplays sake and character customization, not to nerf the games difficulty. This mod should be compatible with literally everything, even any custom race mod, as it alters not a single cell,  or existing thing in game. I tested running around in tiny cramped  Sadrith Mora buildings as an Altmer and it seemed to work fine btw, so I don't think it should be unplayable even if you make a gigantic Altmer  character. There's eight different height options for your character, only use ONE file at a time. or it will conflict.

1.20 Giant. fortify attack 10 pts, drain sneak 10 pts, drain max fatigue 10 pts.
1,15 Huge. fortify attack 5 pts, drain sneak 5 pt, 5 less fatigue.
1,10 Very big. fortify attack 2 pts. drain sneak 1 pt, 1 less fatigue.
1,05 Kinda big. fortify attack 1 pts, 1 less fatigue.
0.95 Kinda short, Sanctuary 1 pts. 1 extra fatigue, 1 less carry weight.
0.90 Very short. Sanctuary 2 pts, 2 extra fatigue, 2 less carry weight.
0.80 Dwarven. Sanctuary 5 pts, 5 extra fatigue, 5 less carry weight.
0.70 Homunculus. Sanctuary 10 pts, 10 extra fatigue, 10 less carry weight.

With this mod you can have a slightly or extremely unusual height for your characters race. In one of the pictures you can see a female Khajiit who are usually very short staring an Altmer almost directly in the eye. A taller species of Khajiit from the Khajiit diversity mod is taller than an Altmer set to giant stature, and Altmer set to giant stature are downright huge. About as big as possible without breaking the game. Male Bosmer who are also very short, are almost as tall as an Altmer with the giant setting, female Bosmer are notably taller than Altmer if they are set to giant stature, A very short combo like male Bosmer or female Khajiit set to homunuculus is downright tiny. Note those are just the extremes though, if you want an only slightly unusual height that's an option as well.

The Khajiit in one of those pictures is from Slof's Black Panther the other Khajiit is a Cathay'Raht from Westly's Khajiit Diversity. As you can see the Cathay'Raht from Westly's Khajiit Diversity in some of the pictures is pretty huge, as she stares down at
the Dumner in Sadrith Mora in one of the pictures. The much smaller Khajiit from Slof's Black Panther is the exact same height as MW's vanilla Khajiit.

Is it lore friendly? I think so. TES has a few characters whose stature is not average. Considering that Hil The Tall from Oblivion is taller than most Nords, and considering that Ash Vampires who have either of Dumner or Chimer DNA are definitely not average height by Dumner or Chimer standards, I don't think this mod breaks the lore. Average height range of most characters hasn't been effected, and you are still the potentially tallest as an Altmer just like as usual.