File information
Last updated
Original upload
Created by
OAAB_Data TeamUploaded by
MelchiorDahrkVirus scan
Tags for this mod
- Lore-Friendly
- Terrain
- Water
- Face
- Models/Meshes
- Textures
- Modder's Resource
- Non-Playable Resource
- Leveled Lists
- Hair
- Scripted Events
- Armour & Shields
- Books
- Clothing - Female Only
- Clothing - Male Only
- Clothing
- Creatures
- Items - Apparatus
- Items - Furniture
- Items - Leveled
- Locations - Buildings
- Locations - Caverns
- Locations - Dungeons
- Magic - Enchantments
- Magic - Potions
- Magic - Spells
- NPCs
- Foliage (Plants)
- Items - Ingredients
- Items - Clutter
- Weapons
- DLC: Bloodmoon
- DLC: Tribunal
- Visual Effects/Particles
- Items - Food
- Armour
- Shields
- OAAB_Data
About this mod
OAAB_Data is a free-to-use asset repository for the Morrowind Community.
- Requirements
DLC requirements
DLC name Bloodmoon Tribunal Mods requiring this file
- Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
You are free to:
Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material for use in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Under the following terms:
Attribution - You must give appropriate credit.
Non-Commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes (i.e. no payment of monetary compensation as a condition for the download).
If author(s) is/are not able to be contacted through a reasonable effort,
Then you are free to copy and redistribute the material in its entirety for use in The Elder Scrolls III: MorrowindFile credits
`@_gwynne__` - Tel Mora painting
Aitrus - glass helm
Aleist3r - Land Dreugh model
Alisiagae - ebony halberd, scroll ideas
AnOldFriend - wax texture
Anroha - chitin weapons, dreugh weapons, ashlander ebony and glass arrows, stalhrim battle axe, iron box, common desk with shelf
Anumaril - Imperial and Glass Tanto and Wakizashi edits from T_D
Archipel de Pertevue - Dungeon grate, archery target
Autoclock - Telvanni spear
Axeljk - Cloth helm
B00ze - daylight script
Barabas - guar skull
Cait - sturgeon animations
cdcooley - invisible creature model
Chainy - scorch mark decals
DanielCoffey and doccdr - Book textures
Danke - Cephalopod pauldrons
David Gurrea - Infernace architectural textures
Dongle - water meshes
Draconik - glass light, pomegranate
EJ-12 - Various textures and effects and lots of technical assistance
elucidace - Breton male hairstyles
Foresti - some textures for the bug armor
Greatness7 - Particle motes, scripting help
Heinrich - iron and steel armor stands
Hemaris - square Imperial stairs, common cards textures
Joanasc - land dreugh animations
jojjo - iron atronach armor
Kiteflyer61 - Archery target original models
Korana - fern model
Kurpolio - egg explosion effect, lava spout effect, other miscellaneous contributions to special effects
Lady Eternity - drip model and texture source
Lamb Shark - Land Dreugh head model and texture
Leyawynn - Redoran house affiliation pillar
lidicus - spider creature
LondonRook - blood pool texture, staff table, velothi tower, ashcliff models, Telvanni assets, and bandages
Lougian - dust motes particles, rock meshes, and vine meshes
ManaUser - Tomb leveled lists from Grave Goods
Merlord - Wood Axe, Hammer
mikhog - for acid burn sound effect
Momo - sack models, pitchfork, and grain texture
Morovir - rock cluster meshes 01 and 04
Morrowind Modding Community Discord for assistance, feedback, and critique
Mr_Siika - bat creature
mwgek - middle class dunmer furniture
Phitt - midsized emperor parasols
Project Tamriel - cliff meshes
Qarl - blood splatter texture
ramccoid - web textures
Rats - smudged/dripping blood decal textures from TR
Resdayn Revival Team (Cernon, Scarab-Phoenix, SiberianCrab, Zobator) - various resources from RR_Data
Rotat - native corprus stalkers
RubberMan - grindstone sound, weapon racks, basis for broken crates
Ruffin Vangarr - Dreugh armor, Concept art daedric helms, Morag Tong helms, Tongman Iron Helm, Chitin Scout Helm, black robe
Rytelier - some kwama cave rock meshes
Sachiel - cave bridge mesh, rocks
Schwaa - the bug shields
Siberian Crab - Resdayn Revival assets, Crystals textures, Holamayan resources
Silicon Bros - Light bonemold armor
Spok - Imperial fort windows
Stripes - Wood tankard, cave wall 512 and edge pieces
Strotis - millstone model
Stuporstar - smith and crafting resource, Uvirith's Legacy resource
Stuporstar and Books of Vvardenfell team (see Docs folder for full credits) - I have edited several books for consistenc with my project
Taddeus - rock meshes and AO map, grill
Tamriel_Data- blood decal texture, rich dunmer desk, some models for knives, original scythe model, coiled rope, water textures, sailor dialogue, cranes, land dreugh animation, rich common furniture, common cards, nine-holes, dice - for various texture sources
The Wanderer - original Book models, wooden hourglass, dock hoist
Tyddy - dunmer market stands
UIX Redemption - Water reflection map
Westly - mindcleaver model and texture
Wollibeebee - mountain meshes, cliff meshes
WulfShaman - wide Vivec bridge gap
Yar-Yulme - NIF resourcesDonation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
- Russian
- Polish
- Mandarin
- Italian
- Changelogs
Version 2.4.1
- Fixed broken creature sound gen
Version 2.4.0
- Alternative DePln desk (MD and R0)
- ComMid desk (Dim and R0)
- Com Curtains (Dim and MD)
- Inverted Velothi rooms (DonnerGott)
- ComPln loft bed (Dim)
- Bamboo cage (Dim)
- Bag containers (Dim and MD)
- Lace spools (Dim and MD)
- Com cot and sling chair (Dim)
- Khajiit male hairs (Dim)
- Hanging hammocks with rugs (Dim)
- Towels (Dim and MD)
- ComMid pew (Dim)
- Silver teapot (Dim)
- Beast skeleton bones (Revenant)
- Guar skull (TD)
- Imperial exterior half wall (R0)
- Bone alit creature and clutter assets (Asylum and MD)
- Improved glowbug visual quality near other alpha-enabled objects
- Fixed Redoran interior building collision
- Fixed harrada graphic herbalism function and collision
Version 2.3.1
- Fixed AB_In_RedHut02b using the wrong models
- Updated streamGravelLong.nif to have smooth normals
Version 2.3.0
- Added ashlander staves (Anroha)
- Added pool (billiard) assets (R0)
- Added fireplace tools (R0)
- Added limeware lamp (R0)
- Added ebony open helm (R0)
- Added patch for Improved Kwama Egg Sacs (MD)
- Updated OAAB_Cells (Hurdrax Custos)
- Eliminated developer version of OAAB_Data.esm
- Fixed mesh seam on `ac_mtpeak_02.nif`
- Fixed collision on `hla_stair_mid_01.nif`
- Fixed texture path of `t_crystal_00.nif` in RR Better Crystals Patch
- Added missing textures and NiAlphaAccumulator to glowbug jar lights
- Added missing ingredient properites to the Scypha Mycena Caps
- Fixed collision on `impS_stair_sq02.nif`
- Fixed collision on Redoran hut interiors (with holes in the floor)
- Fixed and optimized `ex_dwrv_ruin65.nif`
- Improved UV on `mold_form_lrg_04.nif`
- Fixed gaps in deShipWall meshes
- Added collision to `AB_Door_DarknessFlat` object
- Optimized bug cuirasses
- Fixed floating post in `imp_gall_decks_in.nif`
- Reduced transparency on t_crystal meshes to be similar to vanilla
- Changed the crumpled paper asset from MISC to BOOK type
- Fixed several meshes with nested RootCollisionNodes
Version 2.2.2
- Added dunmer middle class bar stool and table variant
- Added Telvanni crystal light variant
Version 2.2.1
- Fixed Telvanni crystal option in fomod installer
Version 2.2.0
- Added silver box (mentioned in 2.1.0 changelog, but missed in the release) (Anroha)
- Added animated Imperial Gatehouse mesh (see OAAB_Cells example) (R0)
- Added common kitchen furniture pieces (table, bench, and hutch) (R0)
- Added common middle class chairs (R0)
- Added rich common canopy beds (R0)
- Added rich common chests (R0)
- Added blotter and seal stamp misc items (R0)
- Added dwemer windows (R0)
- Added wheelbarrow fillers (R0)
- Added province and town maps based on vanilla book art (R0)
- Added frosted ebony candlesticks (R0)
- Added skull goblet (R0)
- Added Bitter Coast scum overlays (MD and TD)
- Added Bitter Coast muck pile (MD)
- Added large Bitter Coast cave roots (MD)
- Added mold cave gravel assets (new texture) (MD)
- Added stacked, scattered, crumpled, and single paper assets (MD)
- Added common plain boxes and operating tables (MD)
- Added dungeon cage (MD and LR)
- Added broken bottles (MD)
- Added new sewer pieces (MD)
- Added new Hlaalu sewer pieces (MD)
- Added glowbug jar lights (MD)
- Added round de shacks (MD)
- Added de shack doorjams (MD)
- Added de ex workbench (MD)
- Added de ex shack windows (MD)
- Added Argonian skeleton tail (MD)
- Added Added missing dunmer banner options (MD)
- Added Velothi alcove doorway (R0)
- Added more balance scale items (R0)
- Added dwemer cutting globe tool (R0)
- Added cap pieces for common and Hlaalu fireplaces (MD)
- Added inside corner to dunmer middle class bar set (MD)
- Added light object for glowing chanterelle mushrooms (MD)
- Added weapons to the Argonian skeleton creatures (MD)
- Added new HD Telvanni crystal replacer option (MD)
- Made Telvanni crystal variants use vanilla textures (MD)
- Made light ray assets less bright and added subtle animation (MD)
- Made bottom Velothi tower interior able to connect to hall set (MD)
- Made all OAAB doors use door "swing" markers to show open direction (MD)
- Improved black spider animations (MD)
- Improved sound range settings for all sound objects (MD)
- Improved fit of open bonemold and chitin helms on heads (MD)
- Improved fit of pinned tapestries in redoran interiors (MD)
- Improved kwama "webbing" texture (MD)
- Improved animation for mist effects (MD)
- Fixed head animations (MD)
- Fixed UV and texel density issues on multiple meshes (MD)
- Fixed bad collision on multiple meshes (MD)
- Fixed normals on multiple meshes (MD)
- Fixed caspering on multiple meshes (MD)
- Fixed light steel armor skinning (MD)
- Reduced scale of bat creatures (MD)
- Removed uneccessary "reference persists" flag from multiple objects (MD)
Version 2.1.9
- Optimize `skelPile` assets to make use of new MWSE feature
Version 2.1.8
- Fix water layer sound script which could cause lag
Version 2.1.7
- Fix creatures that unintentionally got set to 0.5 scale.
Version 2.1.6
- Fixed developer ESM having different file size than the player ESM.
Version 2.1.5
- Fixed several MWscript errors
Version 2.1.4
- Removed script from Farmer's Scythe
- Removed some items from Tomb Junk leveled list
- Made open chitin and bonemold helms use hair instead of head slots
- Gave flint and wood weapons enchantment capacity
- Fixed dust merchant chest piece not showing up in game
- Fixed glass glowset patch texture path issue
- Fixed fomod
Version 2.1.3
- Fixed folder casing to make archive work better with MO2
- Fixed creature scales that got messed up in last version
- Added quiver to Imperial shortbow
Version 2.1.2
- Fixed crashes caused by dust cap mushrooms
- Fixed arrow positioning for imperial shortbow
Version 2.1.1
- Added some deprecated IDs back to the ESM for backwards compatibility
- Added some deprecated textures back to the archive for backwards compatibility
Version 2.1.0
- **Architecture**
- Dae rubble edge (MD)
- De small ship (MD)
- Dwe centurion chute (MD)
- Dwe overlook (MD)
- Hla steps wide
- Imp cutter (Svartalfar, Hemaris, and MD)
- Imp galleon set (MD)
- Imp tower base and ruined wall (Greatness7)
- Minerail kit (Stripes and MD)
- Nord lighthouse (MwGek)
- Thatch awnings (MD)
- Vel alcove columns (MD)
- Vel canton buttresses (Shivatheo)
- Vel canton docks (MwGek)
- Vel ground and ruined pieces (MD)
- Vel interior ruined pieces (MD)
- Vel lighthouse (MwGek)
- Vel planter additions (MD)
- Vel spear trap (MD)
- Vel small tower (MD and MwGek)
- Vel tower interior set (MwGek and MD)
- **Clutter**
- Com bookshelves glass doors (Shivatheo)
- Com crane (Dallara)
- Com crates (TD edit)
- Com fireplaces (Barabus & MD)
- Com forge (Dallara)
- Com mid drawers (R-Zero)
- Com pln grinder, drawers, racks, table, screen (TD edit)
- Com pln shelves and double bed (MD)
- Com pln straw bed (MD)
- Com rich closet and hutch (R-Zero)
- Com rich prayer bench (Remiros)
- Dae "The Punished" (Remiros)
- De curtains (MwGek)
- De ex display (Merlord)
- De ex shelves (MD)
- De ex wattle fence (Siberian Crab)
- De hanging planter
- De rch bar kit (MD)
- De shack trapdoor (MD)
- Dwe drill (MwGek)
- Dwe mine (MD)
- Dwe steamhammer (R-Zero)
- Prison bed (R-Zero)
- Rugs, crumpled
- Rug runners (MD)
- Rug additions (Vegetto and Lukkar)
- Small chain kit (R-Zero)
- Silver box (Anroha)
- Skull candles (Phaedrus and MD)
- Straw bales (MD and chef)
- **Creatures**
- Ancient Lich (MD)
- Giant spider (MD and NickMh)
- **Environment**
- Geyser (MD)
- Kelp (Worsas)
- Lightrays (MD)
- Mold cave additions (MD)
- Mushroom improvements (Remiros)
- Scypha Mycena (LondonRook and MD)
- **Items**
- Alessian Apologetics, book (R-Zero)
- Ashlander glass weapons (Anroha)
- Aetherial Ephemeris, book (Lucevar)
- Bread variants (Revenorror)
- Concept art dunmer helms (Ruffin)
- Copperware (Asylum and MD)
- Dram coins (MD)
- Dreugh bow and arrow (Anroha)
- Dwemer amulet (R-Zero)
- Dwemer club (Anroha)
- Dwemer crowbar (R-Zero)
- Dwemer throwing knife (Anroha)
- Dwemer throwing star (Anroha)
- Food improvements (Remiros)
- Ebony dagger (Anroha)
- Glassware improvements (Remiros)
- Glassware plates (Remiros)
- Hair items (Anroha)
- Harvesting By The Heavens, book (Lucevar)
- Hoods remodeled (Olaf)
- Iron longbow (Anroha)
- Journals (MD)
- Knowing Your Place, book (Lucevar)
- Limeware additions (Anroha)
- Quivers (MD)
- Redguard Ingredients: spider's milk, spriggan's ear, saint's hair, lich dust (MD)
- Scepters (MD)
- Shackles (R-Zero)
- Silkgut (MD)
- Slaughterfish mounted head (MD)
- Sturgeon head (MD)
- Tools: rake, hoe, shovel, draw knife (MD and Kiteflyer)
- Wood platter (MD)
- **Extras**
- Metadata
Version 2.0.3
- Bug fixes
Version 2.0.2
- Added missing assets
- Updated fomod version
Version 2.0.1
- Fixed book leveled lists (were causing some errors in the Developer ESM)
Version 2.0.0
- SD vs HD Texture option, OAAB Team
- Redoran Buildings, Shivatheo
- Redoran Firepit Ring, MwGek
- Hlaalu Building 26 Room Shell, Hemaris
- Paintings, OAAB Team
- Painting equipment (easel, brushes, palette, paint splatter), MD
- Daedric Furniture set, MD
- Small Barrels and Crates, Hemaris
- Small Iron Box, Anroha
- Pinned Tapestries, MwGek
- Great House Tapestries, Remiros
- Shalk Rug, Hemaris
- Dunmer Rugs, Remiros
- Dartboard, Hemaris
- Common Rich Desk with Shelf, Anroha
- Books Overhaul, MD
- Helm Variants (open steel helm, closed dreugh helm, open orcish helm, closed glass helm), R-Zero
- Black Robe, Ruffin Vangarr
- Musical Instruments (Ashlander lyre, dunmer thin lute, harp, and lyre), R-Zero
- Glass Warhammer, R-Zero
- Ogrim Oil Lamp and Grim Lard (interacts with enchantment table scripts), MD
- Belt of Ogrim Strength, Hemaris
- Cloth Napkins, Remiros
- Colored Glass Lanterns, revenorror
- Red Bottles, revenorror
- Corkbulb Bow (replaces wood bow), Remiros
- Wickwheat Dumplings, MD
- Single Die, MD
- Ashfall interop to add plantable ingredients
- More light radius options
- Tons of bugfixes and optimizations, OAAB Team
Version 1.16.3
- Bug fixes
Version 1.16.2
- Fixed fomod not installing sounds (thanks, rfuzzo!)
Version 1.16.1
- Woodstacks now Ashfall compatible
- Updated Ashfall interop
- Mesh optimization
- Added fomod
- Bug fixes
Version 1.16.0
- Hlaalu sewer and sewer room set, MwGek
- Hlaalu exterior extension, MwGek (canal, bridges, balconies, steps, buildings)
- Hlaalu well, R-Zero
- Hlaalu interior extension, T_D (ledge set, tapestries, altar, fireplace variants, forge, kiln, stair stacking kit, large hall additions)
- Hlaalu exterior extension, T_D (steps and canal additions)
- Telvanni assets, Outlander (ext root variants, root paths, int root walls, shroom variant)
- Telvanni assets, Resdayn Revival (crystal ball lights)
- Telvanni assets, Uvirith's Legacy (stair variants, shelfpod, shaft connections, tower hall double entry, mushroom roof)
- Telvanni housepod ring floor, MD
- Telvanni wizard balcony, MD
- Vivec bridge wide, WulfShaman
- Vivec docks, T_D
- Cave wall pieces, Stripes
- Daedric interior to cave connection variants, MD
- Daedric room and mezzanine set, MD
- Daedric statues broken, T_D (Azura nd Sheogorath)
- Dwemer scaffold wall support, MD
- Velothi interior additions, T_D (ramp variants, roof brace pieces, large hall additions)
- Velothi 3 way alove piece, Remiros
- Ashfall additions, Merlord (strawhat, teapots, teawarmer, kettles, flint tools, waterskin, wood bow, crab pot, rough furniture, common tent)
- Dunmer furniture additions, MD (small tapestries, middle class winerack, hammocks with rugs, bonsai planter)
- Dunmer open chests, MwGek (plain and rich)
- Dunmer guarskin banners extension, T_D
- Dock net partitions/walls, Uvirith's Legacy
- Barrel fill pieces, MwGek (dirt, coal, grain)
- Weapon wall rack shorter, revenorror
- Imperial planter with grass, Remiros
- Fresh corpse pieces, MD
- Hanging herbs, Anroha
- Common wall mount, T_D
- Common gallows, T_D
- Glowbugs, MD
- Zombie variants, MD
- Argonian skeletons, T_D
- Storm Monarch & Void Essence, MD
- Iron Atronach & Lodestone, MD
- Skeleton Assassin & Glass Assassin Pauldron, MD
- Daedric Helm of Revelation, MD
- Slice of goros food, MD
- Redware kettle, MD
- Improved Lights (normals, light attachment nodes, material tweaks)
- Crafting Framework interop for resin staves
- Patch for Better Telvanni Crystals
- Patch for Glass Glowset
- Tons of optimizations and fixes
Version 1.15.0
- Added zombies
- Added alchemy jars
- Added ash ghoul and cliff racer skulls
- Added dwemer repair hammer
- Added dreugh weapon set
- Added chitin halberd, sickle, and mace
- Added raw ebony and glass ashlander arrows
- Added stalhrim battle axe
- Added dunmer and Morag Tong helms
- Added Mages and Fighters Guild banners
- Added midsized emperor parasols
- Added Vivec sewer bridge
- Added 7th and 8th barrier scrolls
- Extensive asset clean up: fixed normals, split/simplified collision, fixed UVs, fixed properties, improved geometry, merged shapes, fixed vertex coloring, improved textures
Version 1.14.3
- Fixed some container spawn settings
Version 1.14.2
- Added "pomegranates" topic to Alchemists and Publicans
- Added pomegranate tea to Ashfall interop (requires Ashfall update)
- Bug fixes
Version 1.14.1
- Bug fixes
Version 1.14.0
- Added barricade
- Added Breton male hairstyles by elucidace
- Added middle class Dunmer furniture additions
- Added torn tapestries of the Divines
- Added Dunmer Marketstands
- Added soap
- Added dice, nine-holes, and playing cards
- Added Dunmer dock support piece
- Bug fix: added leveled lists to dwrv barrels
- Bug fix: fixed scale of saltrice porridge
- Bug fix: fixed emissivity of dwrv water/oil/lava pipes
- Bug fix: extensive mesh clean up
- Bug fix: fixed Ashfall interop error
Version 1.13.3
- Bug fixes
Version 1.13.2
- Added Dunmer middle class scroll rack
- Bug fixes
Version 1.13.1
- Cleaned ESM
Version 1.13.0
- Added land dreugh
- Added Pomegranates
- Added Dwemer activators
- Added Dwemer switchable machines
- Added Dwemer furniture expansion
- Added Dwemer round room
- Added Dunmer middle class furniture
- Added Dunmer rich wallscreen
- Added bed variants for all sets
- Added armor stands
- Added common lecturns
- Added common rich furniture expansion
- Added kegs (without kegstands)
- Added wrapped body
- Added coffin lid and box
- Added Imperial interior square stairs
- Added Telvanni trap door
- Added collision and black shape helper objects
- Added 6th House banners
- Added 6th House spear
- Glow in the Dahrk 3.0.0 (GitD3) compatibility update
- SM_Bitter Coast Trees Patch for Bitter Coast saplings
- Bug fixes
Version 1.12.0
- Added corpses
- Added bone piles
- Added female dwarven spectre
- Added dwarven spectres with weapons
- Added streams
- Added wide waterfalls & waterfall mist
- Added pillows
- Added ebony & glass apparatuses
- Added torn rugs
- Added shipwreck interior pieces
- Bug fixes
Version 1.11.0
- Added shipwreck set
- Added sturgeon creature and related clutter assets
- Added slaughterfish clutter assets
- Added wash clutter assets
- Added mudcrab shell
- Added dwemer bridge kit
- Added dwemer wall to cave transition
- Added dwemer ledges variants and broken pieces
- Added dwemer rubble asset
- Added saplings for AI, AC, BC, GL, and WG regions
- Added red glass and crystal glass tableware
- Added Imperial and Glass tanto and wakizashi
- Added hanging web bundles
- Added kagouti drinking horn
- Bug fixes
Version 1.10.1
- Bug fixes (ashfall interop error & improperly deleted ID)
Version 1.10.0
- Added Dwemer Building Set. Includes Exterior and Interior sets.
- Added AvoidNode marker
- Added some exterior dwemer clutter (alcove variants, large platform from Tamriel_Data)
- Added ex de palisade set from T_D. Fixed up some of the pieces and added an animated gate to the set.
- Added a common wood coffin
- Added 10 triunes on a string for cluttering.
- Added pallet pieces and broken variants
- Added open crates and a straw filler mesh.
- Added minecart filler meshes by Wolli (like rocks, rubble, and dirt)
- Added some tarp covered objects and a torn tarp which can be placed on the ground: firewood stacks, tables, carts, stacked * barrels
- Added torn tapestries
- Added Imperial entrenching tool by Endoran
- Added a few Velothi pieces from T_D like a triangular ash pit and platform
- LOD to lightning to fix it showing up in distant land in Dwemer Lightning Rods
- Bug fixes
Version 1.9.0
- Added crane attachment kit
- Added dwemer road texture and road edge mesh
- Added dwemer lightning rod tower
- Added broken urn set
- Added broken crates set
- Added broken barrels set
- Added broken dwemer barrels set
- Added broken Velothi altar variants
- Added broken dwemer pipes
- Added dwemer exhaust piece
- Added ruined minecart and guarcart assets
- Added guarskin overhangs
- Added hanging net assets
- Added animal head plaques
- Added shrine of Sotha Sil
- Added groups of Bitter Coast knees
- Asset optimization
- Bug fixes
Version 1.8.0
- Added rapiers
- Added "Sillapi" kwama egg drink
- Added GH compatibility for marshmerrow cluster
- Added new tools (see AB_lvl_w_Tools)
- Added more blood decals
- Added fixed assets from RR (hats, de_shack, tools, centurion pieces, fish nets, hanging wash, rugs)
- Added dung materials
- Added exterior Velothi chimney
- Added new container variants using new leveled lists for Nordic weapons (AB_lvl_w_Nordic), tools (AB_lvl_w_Tools), smithing equipment (AB_lvl_Smithing), and ashlander possessions (AB_lvl_AshlanderPos)
- Bug fixes
Version 1.7.1
- Bug fixes
- Created Weapon Sheathing interop
- Added nordic mace
- Added Daedric Runestones, Sigilstones and Runestone Sentries
Version 1.7.0
- Added common interior expansion pieces
- Added common wall panel set
- Added small Daedric Tile Set
- Added cranes
- Added common step ladders
- Added concept art daedric helms
- Added scorch mark decals
- Added dunmer glass lantern
- Added common water bucket
- Added dunmer scales
- Added silver sconces
- Added silver shears
- Added legion canteen
- Added ashfall wood axe & grill
- New art for blue kanet
- Bug fixes
Version 1.6.4
- Added missing hand bone mesh for some mods using the deprecated ID
Version 1.6.3
- Added deprecated leveled lists back in for backwards compatibility
Version 1.6.2
- Added missing pull chain mesh
Version 1.6.1
- Moved example scripts to OAAB_Cells.esp
- Optimized textures
Version 1.6.0
- Bug fixes
- Added lots of Dwemer resources, Dreugh armor, Dust Merchant armor, Light Steel armor, 6th House tapestry, large sack container, bar cupboard with door, FG and MG crates, Velothi hearth, velothi stairwell pieces, velothi brazier, velothi altar variations, scamptallow candles, candle stand, rich Dunmer bookstand, bonsai parasol variants
- Improved waterfall VFX, Telvanni crystal graphics, bone assets (easier rotation for modders), enchanting table script (stability), candles normals
- Created OAAB_Cells.esp with palette cells for modders to reference
Version 1.5.1
- Bug fixes (added missing BoV assets)
Version 1.5.0
- Bug fixes
- Added missing extravagant hoods, daedric coffer container, keyring, blood decal, and Telvanni tileset piece
- Added OAAB_Velothi and OAAB_Imperial cells to demonstrate new animated interactables.
- Removed mod-unique assets for OAAB Tel Mora and OAAB Grazelands from archive to reduce file size
- Removed deprecated assets from archive to reduce file size
Version 1.4.0
- Bug fixes
- Added Glass Katana, Glass Dai-Katana and Ebony Claymore
Version 1.3.0
- Bug fixes
- Updated waterfall vfx
- Added new common rich desk
Version 1.2.0
- Bug fixes
- Added Ashfall interops (OAAB_Data objects will automatically work with Ashfall if you use that mod)
- Merged Misc Potions MWSE scripts
- Added patch for Epic Plants
- Made blank scrolls compatible with Switchable Scriptures
- More daedric realm cave set pieces
Version 1.1.0
- Bug fixes
- New stronghold ruin pieces
- New dunmer lanterns
- New cliff models
- New fiery portal
- Repackaged into BAIN structure
- Added GitD patches
Version 1.0.0
- Initial release

by the OAAB_Data Team
Anroha | Axeljk | Corsair | Dallara | DimNussens | Endoran | Greatness7 | Hemaris | Lord Zircon | Melchior Dahrk | Merlord | MwGek | Olaf | OperatorJack | PikachunoTM | R-Zero | RedFurryDemon | Remiros | Revenorror | tewlwolow | Wolli | XeroFoxx

OAAB_Data is an asset repository for the Morrowind Community. It contains resources which can be used by other mods. For players, this does nothing by itself. But when you use mods which depend on this archive, players can expect their game to benefit from shared assets (generic quest items working between mods, no duplicate items in inventories, possible shorter load times with less duplicate assets needing to load).
This project originated from Melchior Dahrk's Of Ash and Blight project to overhaul Vvardenfell. Since its origins as a solo project, OAAB_Data now has multiple members with a common vision to bring new resources which fit a vanilla+ aesthetic to the game. We have worked to expand the available resources to create a cohesive game experience for players through the mods which use this repository. If you've used OAAB_Data previously, version 2.0 is a huge update. Adding multiple tile sets and tons of new items.
How is this different from Tamriel_Data?
While Tamriel_Data (T_D) has a much broader scope of including resources for all the provinces of Tamriel, OAAB_Data has a narrower focus on providing assets for mods built around Vvardenfell, primarily. So this repository doesn't have a lot of the continent-spanning assets that T_D does.
What is a Vanilla+ Aesthetic?
We strive to adhere to quality guidelines which allow the assets in this archive to blend into both a vanilla and graphically modded game. The models are not incredibly smoothed, but they are more detailed than vanilla. The textures are not 4K HD, but they are typically ~2x higher than vanilla to increase the level of detail. We also try to use vanilla textures wherever possible so that new models we add will automatically be compatible with your texture replacers. For a player, hopefully this means that the new assets in OAAB_Data will blend into your game regardless of how your installation is set up.
What is OAAB?
OAAB stands for "Of Ash and Blight" and was a project started by Melchior Dahrk to expand TES3:Morrowind. The project is operated under a few guidelines:
- Take inspiration from the original Concept Art and early developer texts about the game
- Make additions to the project fit into the game by researching texts and dialogue on various topics so that they can truly expand on what is already there if you look hard enough
- Make Vvardenfell a more dangerous place (particularly in relation to blight, ash, disease)
- Expand on the Dunmer culture, economy, and lore in a way respectful to the original game (including its inconsistencies)
OAAB continues to be developed alongside OAAB_Data. Expect to see more OAAB-branded mods in the future.

Expand the Requirements section above to see all the cool mods which depend on OAAB_Data and hook into its resources!

Morrowind Optimization Patch - The author of MOP is on the OAAB_Data team and multiple fixes in MOP synergize with new assets in OAAB_Data and usage of vanilla assets by OAAB mods. You should be using this anyway!
Seph's NPC Soul Trapping - Sephumbra's mod gives the black soul gems in OAAB_Data actual functionality! We highly recommend using this mod so that if you find a black soul gem in an OAAB-dependent mod, it will now actually have the functionality you expect!
OAAB Full Upscale - If the optional HD textures download on this page isn't high enough resolution for you, and/or you want normal maps for OAAB_Data textures, then I recommend checking this out.

OAAB_Data now has a Nexus tag! Make sure to tag your mods #oaab_data!
The OAAB_Data repository is free to use in TES3:Morrowind. However, it is recommended that you make your mods dependent on the ESM rather than extracting resources for your individual mods. There are a few reasons for this:
- Using common items (e.g. food, ingredients, miscellaneous, etc) rather than making your own copies ensures that your mods will be automatically compatible with any mods which use OAAB items: for example, players won't have multiple versions of "guar meat" in their inventories. And OAAB-dependent quests mods which require "guar meat" can use items you place in your mod.
- Reduces file size of the dependent mods
- You don't have to update your mod when an asset gets an update in OAAB_Data.
- Shorter load times for players with less assets to load.
- Using containers with OAAB leveled lists means that your mod will automatically be updated as we add more items.
Palette Cells
OAAB_Cells.esp includes “palette cells” for modders. These cells are intended to show groups of similar objects which can be copied into your work cells to improve workflow and they sometimes showcase the assets being used in context. You will also find “info box” markers which provide additional clarification on more complex assets. OAAB_Cells is available in the Developer Tools download on this mod page.
If you are interested in contributing, DM this account. This project is intended to be for the community and we're excited to see it grow!

OAAB_Data is primarily designed to work with the vanilla engine + MGE XE. But we've done our best to keep it as compatible with OpenMW as possible. Most MWSE functionality is optional and not critical for this archive to function properly.
Known issues:
- OpenMW does not support one-way collision which is used by a few meshes in OAAB_Data (e.g. one-way faux walls). You may need to toggle collision to get past these meshes.