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Glittergear and autumn and PirateLord

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About this mod

Piratelord's Redesigned Vivec, now compatible with Concept Art Palace, Shrines Enhanced, and Pyres of Purification. Integrates Vivec Waistworks Expansion

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I love Piratelord's Redesigned Vivec (RV), and I also love some other Vivec mods. RV is notoriously incompatible with basically everything and is no longer maintained. I decided to make it compatible with the following excellent mods:

Why is Vivec Waistworks Expansion (VWE) necessary? Because this mod initially started out as a compatibility merge between VWE and RV, but then I decided to edit the Temple cells to make it compatible with everything else. Think of it as a compatibility merge of VWE and RV that also happens to be compatible with other mods. 


I pulled the NPCs and some decor from VWE out of the waistworks and into the open plazas and the canalworks. Because there are no waistworks in RV, I had less space to work with, so I had to cut some content -- most of the friendly ghosts aren't there, and neither is the woman doing laundry. Other than that, I think I got everyone. See VWE's mod page for a full list of the new merchants and shops.

I also tried to make sure all the merchant NPCs have some gold, so you can sell them things. I moved the Khajiit who totally isn't a drug dealer away from the Foreign Quarter and to the St Olms canton -- Danar Uvelas and his friends had to get their skooma from somewhere, and it made sense for a dealer to be nearby (not that the Khajiit is a dealer of course, but if she was, it would make sense for her to be there. Besides, Khajiits can be in St Olms if they want). 

For compatibility with the other mods, I edited the Temple exterior cells. Removed the lovely swampy part from the palace entrance and moved the palace way back to be in the proper place for Concept Art Palace and The Pyres of Purification; lowered the Temple buildings to be compatible with The Passage of Prayers; and moved The Shrine of Daring to be compatible with Seven Grace Shrines Enhanced. This compatible RV mod does not include these mods. Install them separately.

Because compatibility was made by editing "Redesigned Vivec.esp" it is NOT compatible with "Vivec Expansion" by Hoghead the Horrible, and it is also NOT compatible with "Redesigned Vivec & Vivec Expansion Merged."


Download this mod AND  Vivec Waistworks Expansion
Drag and drop into Data Files and check off boxes