Because any true lover of V E R T I C A L I T Y should be using that mod anyway.
Permissions and credits
Author's instructions
You are free to: Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material
Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit. Non-Commercial - You may not use the material for commercial purposes (i.e. no payment of monetary compensation as a condition for the download).
If author(s) is/are not able to be contacted through a reasonable effort, Then you are free to copy and redistribute the material for use in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
File credits
XeroFoxx for the leaves texture for the bark texture base TreeIt used to generate the tree trunk Greatness7 for the blender NIF plugin
Donation Points system
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Removed a floating moss on the giant stump near Seyda Neen
Fixed some floating mushrooms near Seyda Neen with the "GMST Vality's Bitter Coast Addon.esp" plugin
Version 2.3.0
Made flora_bc_tree_01-02 meshes match vanilla dimensions if using the "Matching Vanilla Trees" module for less clipping issues.
This update made the patch for Xen-Arien's Manor no longer necessary, so it has been removed.
Version 2.2.0
Performance improvement during rainy weather if you use the MCP Rain/snow collision patch and noticed FPS drops.
Version 2.1.0
Added patch for Nevena's Twin Lamps
Version 2.0.0
The Graht Swamp Trees now have static leaves (way less draw calls than before for better performance and render better in Distant Land)
Broke up collision meshes on the vanilla trees and large rope bridges to improve performance
Added giant tree stumps and logs
Modified the root connection at the base of the trees to look more natural
Added trees to the area near Seyda Neen
Includes a patched version of Vality's Bitter Coast which clears the area around the Seyda Neen lighthouse and other problematic placements
Docked the patched Cawumaloe Manor at the treetop walkways
Reduced clipping and improved traversability of rope bridge walkways
Edited the leaves textures to behave better with Distant Land
Added an optional mod to add the new trees to the Sunder Scar Region on the TR mainland
Added patch for Xen-Arien's Manor
Version 1.2.0
Improved the UV of the tree trunk/branches to have more consistent texel density
Version 1.1.0
Repackaged mod
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
This mod adds enormous trees to the Bitter Coast region to provide a dense canopy overheard and large roots jutting out of the ground below. This mod is mostly eye candy in nature. I don't consider this a "realistic" take on what the Bitter Coast should look like. I've tried my best to optimize the tree meshes (fully split up collision meshes), but they are big and have a ton of leaf planes each, so don't expect this to increase your FPS.
If you are looking for something sleeker than Vality's dense trees, then I recommend installing something like Vurt's Bitter Coast Trees (while still activating Vality's Bitter Coast plugin) and you'll still end up with a thicker swamp. I used Ozzy's Grass in the screenshots.
If you're looking for a house mod that complements this one, then I recommend Grahtwood Roost.
Note: this video was recorded on version 1.2. Distant land rendering is improved in version 2.0+!