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About this mod

A much needed patch between Sabregirl's werewolf clans of vvardenfell and Tomb of the Snow Prince.

Permissions and credits
Sabregirl is a fantastic modder and made some of the jewels that people still use today. One of those such jewels was her infamous werewolf clans of vvardenfell, which added four clans of werewolves, each with their own strain of lycanthropy and abilities. The problem is that despite how amazing that mod is, it was never patched for the Tomb of the Snow Prince which overhauls, changes, and moves the entire island of Solstheim.  I was a stickler for years as to not switching to the Tomb of the Snow Prince but then I finally did many years later and loved it, so I decided to make a replacer esp that would move the Artic Clan base and its various werewolf spawns to the new location of the island. The places I've put them will not be exactly the same as the original but I did my best to  place the spawns in places that made sense and move the location of the Artic clan base to as close as the original base was.

This is a replacer esp only and so will require the original assets from the author's website here: https://www.sabregirl.com/mods/were-mods.html

Keep in mind that you will not need to use her GMST fix if your plugins are all clean or your not using GMST FIX or GMST Vaccine.

I would also highly recommend the following mods to boost your werewolf experience:

Regionally Known Werewolves- Transforming in front of humanoids will only make you known in your current region. They will also forget after an x amount of days were you were known. very useful mod. https://mw.modhistory.com/download-48-9772

Sabregirl's Werewolf Realism- Bloodlust is based on willpower The higher your willpower the less NPCs you need to kill. If your willpower is really high you will not need to kill at all. You can also gain health instantaneously while in werewolf form by killing NPCs. This makes it much easier to play as a werewolf because you do not have to wait for your regeneration spell to heal you. All of the bloodmoon werewolf quests give you better rewards. You only change at the full moon except during the middle of the bloodmoon main quest. A Daggerfall style Hircine ring is included (don't use it with the hircine ring fix mod). There is also a version of this mod that allows you to transform at will by tapping the sneak key, if your character is above level 20.-https://www.sabregirl.com/mods/were-mods.html -choose only one version. one allows you to change at will and the other will not.

Werewolf Evolution- Makes your werewolf stats dependent on your mortal form plus a bonus- https://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-861