About this mod
Expands Balmora into an actual city with an added; 69 buildings, 77 interior cells and 300+ unique NPC's alongside a Player Home, Quests, Factions, Taverns, and more!
Hla Oad has also been expanded, since the large ships dock there and the smaller rowboats and skifs take the cargo into Balmora, the two settlements are linked together.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

When king Hlaalu Athyn Llethan first opened Vvardenfell's borders for settlement, the Great Houses and a large number of settlers made their
way to the island and Balmora started to grow rapidly. It is now 15 years later and Balmora is the second largest settlement on Vvardenfell, housing a great number of citizens, merchants, stores, guilds, factions, taverns, etc.
Balmora is my favorite city in the game but it is quite boring and small especially when it considered to be the second largest town on Vvardenfell. This is my attempt to expand Balmora in an actual city. Hla Oad has been expanded as well, since the large ships dock there and the smaller rowboats and skifs sail the cargo into Balmora, the two settlements are linked together.
This mod will add the following to your game:
69 exterior buildings (52 in Balmora & 17 in Hla Oad)
77 interior cells (57 in Balmora & 20 interior cells in Hla Oad)(4 interior cells remain inaccessible until I have finished the main quest)
300+ unique NPC's
2 Companions:
Jyferth Glory-Seeker (found in the Velothi Tunnels in Balmora)
Battlemage Rashios (found in the Distant Tunnel, in Balmora's sewers)
6 NPC classes:
Sailor (playable class)
Bank Teller
2 questlines:
The Reclusive Wizard
The Healers' Dome
11 Side Quests:
Buying Kreshweed Tower in Balmora
Find a Way Into the Balmora Sewers
Nirisa's Missing Son
Turealas' Dwemer Tower
Callisoviil's Conjurations
Vilas' Plead to Hunt
Tales of an ancient Dunmer
The Dreams of a Mer
Lost Father (on the plaza)
The Thelnim Heirloom
Vampiress in Balmora
1 Ancestral Tomb: (part of the reclusive wizard questline)
Ulthin Ancestral Tomb
1 shipwreck
Hla Oad, Shipwreck
1 new book
Sailing the Inner sea (I placed it in homes, etc. in Balmora and Hla Oad)
8 factions (only the Healers' Dome is joinable right now, but more will be joinable later)
Balmora Guard (not-joinable)
Healers' Dome (joinable)
Long Shore Guild (not-joinable, Sailors)
Nobles of Mount Caldera (not-joinable)
Distant Tunnel (not-joinable)
Sewer Beggars (not-joinable)
Vehsaria Arms (not-joinable)
Glass Mercenaries (not-joinable)
1 Player Home:
Kreshweed Tower, can be bought at the Balmora Bank for 25000 gold
4 taverns, pubs & inns:
The StoneFlower Inn
The long Shore
The Lodge on the Odai
The Distant Tunnel
6 Stores:
The Little Mystic's shop
Niveelyn: Bowyer and Fletcher
Sanysa: Tapestries & Rugs
Geem-Lei: Apothecary
Brylte Snow-Sung: Florist
The Master Merchant (Creature Merchant)
7 merchants outside:
Valeath (Ingredients, day-time only)
Gaefia Gallirus (Clothing, day-time only)
Nazid (Potions, day-time only)
Tiviella Darelas (Expensive Clothing / Jewelry, day-time only)
Aryalene Caemeus (Potions, night-time only)
Volal_Natalen (Daggers/weapons, night-time only)
Tsaajma (Lockpicks/Probes, night-time only)
A sewer system has been made underneath Balmora
Female House Hlaalu Guards (in Balmora and Hla Oad only)
New Fast Travel point between Balmora and Hla Oad (Davira in Balmora and Davani Daynas in Hla Oad)
New Fast Travel point from Balmora to Pelagiad (Jersan at the docks)
New Fast Travel point from Balmora to Caldera (Jersan at the docks)
A day and night system, where certain NPC's in Balmora will only appear at day or at night
A Main Quest about the shadow politics of Balmora will be added later, but I will finish most of the interiors first.
together with new items, tons of dialogue and much more!
This is my first mod and I have been working on it, on and off since April 22nd 2019, so for the past three years. I learned about modding when I was very young but I could not install or create anything yet at the time. I am proud to announce that I have uploaded my first mod and I hope that you will enjoy it!
Note 1: I was unable to completely finish the mod before the may modathon 2022 competition but I WILL FINISH what I have not completed yet!
Note 2: This mod is now mostly finished. I still have to finish the main quest, but will do this sometime in the future.
The Dwarven tower has a quest related reason for being in Balmora.
If you run into any problems or start experiencing issues then don't forget to notify me and I will try to fix it!
Don't forget to Endorse this mod if you like it!

Base Game + All the Expansions, these include;
Recommended Mods:
Morrowind Code Patch
Project Atlas
Solstheim Rumor Fix - Fixed - Fixed (or another mod that fixes the solstheim rumor)
Guilds - N'wahs & Mushrooms Team
Brevur of Balmora - Finally Some Good Statue Mod
Fix those bastard rope fences
Greyed-out Dialog
Westley's Pluginless Head Replacer Complete
Vanilla-friendly West Gash Tree Replacer
Vurt's Bitter Coast Trees II
I used most of these mods during development and consider that these give the best experience alongside Amazing Balmora Expansion.
Compatible Mods without Patches:
Balmora Underworld
Balmora The Awakening
Balmora Rooftop Apartments
Compatible Mods with Patches:
Beautiful Cities of Morrowind
Stoneflower House (A Tree above it needs to be disabled with console as it comes from ABE, moved the house to the other side of the river)
Lush Synthesis Grass
Compatible Odai River Upper Overhaul (need to disable the fences near the entrance with console as they come from ABE)
Bell Towers of VVardenfell for OpenMW BCOM (Not sure if the original mod needs a patch without BCOM)
Main Quest Overhaul (if you delete all MQO edits made to Balmora's exterior landscape and to caius' house, thank you JayberXD for telling me this)
Incompatible Mods:
Morrowind Rebirth
Balmora Waterworks
Remiros' Groundcover (or any other groundcover mod)
I will add compatibility patches for some of these mods when ABE is nearing it's completion
Manual Installation:
step 1: Drag and drop the "ABE.esp" plugin into the "Morrowind -> Data Files" directory
Step 2: Start Morrowind Launcher.exe, click on Data Files and then double click on ABE.esp to activate the plugin
Step 3: Start the game and enjoy
You can also use a Mod Manager of your choice like Mod Organizer 2. Many modders recommend using a Mod Manager.
Altered Cells & Objects:
Renamed Cells:
West Gash Region (-2, -3) -> renamed: Balmora (-2, -3)
West Gash Region (-3, -1) -> renamed: Balmora (-3, -1)
West Gash Region (-4, -1) -> renamed: Balmora (-4, -1)
West Gash Region (-4, -3) -> renamed: Balmora (-4, -3)
Bitter Coast (-7, -5) -> renamed: Hla Oad (-7, -5)
Rewritten Books:
Other mods that also make changes to Balmora, Hla Oad or any of the above could cause issues, place "ABE.esp" above these mods in your load order, I might be able to create a compatibility patch for conflicting mods
This mod has been cleaned with Tes3cmd
The Dialogue has been cleaned with TESAME
Please message me if something is not working right and I will fix it
Credits & Special Thanks:
I have learned A LOT from: Morrowind Scripting for Dummies (9th Edition), credits and thanks to the authors; GhanBuriGhan, Yacoby and Melian.
A special thanks to the users of the Nexus Forums who have been a great help to me, especially FIMzzZzz and cyran0, for having replied to my posts multiple times!
Special thanks to Denina for making the Morrowind Crafting plugin!
Special thanks to the mod authors of "Beautiful Cities of Morrowind" (RandomPal) and "City of Contrasts" (VitruvianGuar) for helping me create the BCOM compatibility patch!
(VitruvianGuarshared his batch file with me)
Special thanks to Xiorathha for creating the compatibility patches for: Stoneflower House, Lush Synthesis Grass, Compatible Odai River Upper Overhaul, Bell Towers of VVardenfell for OpenMW BCOM
Most of the names were generated through https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/elder-scrolls.php, although I often altered them a bit and googled them to see if they were not common real life names.
I hope you have fun exploring my vision of an expanded Balmora!