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Lord Zarcon

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Gives all the potions different colors.

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Don't you just hate the look of the generic factory produced potions? Or how about having to individually look over every single potion icon while shopping to find the one you need? Well I got tired of it and said screw you industrial potion industry! I'm not waiting until the 4th era for my potions to be color coded! Morrowind has more spell effects and abilities than Skyrim does, and yet they have the common courtesy to make thier potions not only look good, but also to make sure you know which one you are drinking! Do you know how many times the average traveler drank the wrong potion, and ended up with an unwanted effect cause the healing potion looked identical to the light one? Far too many to count, that's for sure!

Rant Over now onto the mod.

As you can probably guess, this mod gives every potion a different color and label so you can easily identify what kind of potion it is. The icons have also been color coded as well as having thier own shape based on the quality.

I also went the extra mile and gave the unique kinds of potions thier own models and textures to set them apart from all the rest.