About this mod
A lightweight and vanilla-friendly revisit of Morrowind's Mages Guild questline, which aims to make it a more rewarding and enjoyable experience to play.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Adds new rewards for all quests that were lacking any before. An effort has been made to make these rewards lore-friendly and appropriate for the Mages Guild.
- Upgrades a few of the vanilla rewards that I felt were a bit lacking in places.
- Adds a suitable reward for solving the mystery of the Dwarves. - Speak to Skink once you've turned in the quest with Trebonius.
New quest rewards can be seen here:
Fake Soul Gem
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Skill book
Escort Itermerel
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Some scrolls of unlocking
Kill Necromancer Tashpi Ashibeal
Vanilla Reward - 2 scrolls of Elemental Burst: Fire & 2 scrolls of fourth barrier
Redux Reward - Changed the two Fire scrolls to Frost, as you already receive Burst Fire scrolls from another quest
Steal Chimarvamidium
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Some Alchemy apparatus
Dwemer Tube from Arkngthunch-Sturdumz
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Skill training in Mysticism
Nchuleftingth Expedition
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Enchanted Ring: Aetherian Ostracization
Scarab Plans in Mzuleft
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Scroll of Supreme Domination
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Unique spell: Unrestrained Immolation
Meeting with a Wise Woman
Vanilla Reward - Nothing from Skink, Ancestor's Ring from Ashlander
Redux Reward - Spell: Flay Spirit & Ancestor's Ring
Other Changes - Reduced Reputation from 2 to 1
Kill Necromancer Telura Ulver
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - Enchanted Gloves: Hand of the Alchemist & Enchanter
Soul of an Ash Ghoul
Vanilla Reward - Left over suppliers - Grand Soul Gem and Scroll of Soultrap
Redux Reward - Left over supplies & some rare alchemical ingredients
Other Changes - Added Reputation gain from 0 to 1
Galur Rithari's Papers
Vanilla Reward - Skink's Amulet (unenchanted)
Redux Reward - Skink's Amulet bearing an enchantment
Mystery of the Dwarves
Vanilla Reward - None
Redux Reward - 50 Gold & Enchanted Robe & Hat: Magna-Ge
Other Changes - Increased Reputation gain from 1 to 3
All quests not mentioned above are completely unchanged.
What this mod doesn't do:
- Add new quests or change existing quest stages, other than the rewards provided.
- Make any changes to interior or exterior cells.
- Fully compatible with Vivec Guild of Mages Expansion, Caldera Mages Guild Expanded, Balmora Guilds Expanded, and Magical Missions Recharged (load redux after Magical Missions)
- Fully compatible with Imperial Factions.
- Compatible with Mages Guild Overhaul (load redux after)
- Compatible with any retexture mod, or anything that changes Guild locations.
- Compatible with pretty much everything else that doesn't change the Mages Guild quest endings.
- Compatible with OpenMW
- Can be installed mid-playthrough on existing characters, though it's recommended that you haven't joined the faction in question yet.
- Requires Tamriel Data
Be sure to check out the rest of the Redux series:
House Hlaalu
House Redoran
House Telvanni
Fighters Guild
Mages Guild
Thieves Guild
Imperial Cult
Imperial Legion
Morag Tong
Tribunal Temple
Bloodmoon Main Quest
East Empire Company
You can also download all modules together on the Morrowind Redux page.
Massive thanks to all the Mentors for their feedback, and to Danae and Hurdrax for organising the Mastery Month. :)

TD Assets used - Tamriel Data