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About this mod

A collection of races, quests, and items for the Starwind Total Conversion mod,

Permissions and credits
Bing's Starwind races is a collection of odds and ends for the Starwind total Conversion. This mod is inspired by the strangest corners of Star Wars comics, 80's catoons, and TTRPG Sourcebooks, shining a light on the wacky things mostly only I care about.

This mod includes:
-18 playable races with male and female models, including Hutts which replace the vanilla statues with real NPC's
-8 short quests including my previous mod NightLily
-6 new lilghtsaber variations
-5 sets of Armor plus various single pieces
-3 new companions
-The brand new Mini planet of Nal Hutta with an arena and an outfitter for Hutt specific gear. There's not too much else to do there now, but I plan on coming back to it later. You can get there from the Nar Shaddaa Hangars.

Thanks to Ignatious and the team for creating Starwind, Adanorcil, for creating the Tsaeci mod I used as a base for the Thisspiasian, and to S3ctor and Billyfighter for helping with this mod