About this mod
Lore Accurate Artifacts changes a number of Morrowind's artifacts to better reflect their descriptions contained within Tamrielic Lore.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

Lore Accurate Artifacts does the following:
- Amends the enchantments on certain items to better reflect the lore documented in Tamrielic Lore.
- Adds missing functionality (via MWScript) to have items better match these lore descriptions.
Items Affected:
Staff of Magnus: "When used, it absorbs an enemy's health and mystical energy. In time, the Staff will abandon the mage who wields it before he becomes too powerful and upsets the mystical balance it is sworn to protect."
Changes made:
Warlock's Ring: "It is best known for its ability to reflect spells cast at its wearer and to improve his or her speed and to restore health."
Changes made:
Lord's Mail:"It grants the wearer power to absorb health, resist the effects of spells, and cure oneself of poison when used."
Changes made:
Dragonbone Mail: "The properties of the Cuirass allow the wearer to completely resist fire, and to damage an enemy with a blast of fire."
Masque of Clavicus Vile: "The bearer of the Masque is more likely to get a positive response from the people of Tamriel. The higher his personality, the larger the bonus."
Changes made:
Scourge: "The weapon has the ability to summon creatures from Oblivion"
Changes made:
Volendrung: "It has the ability to grant health to its wielder, but it is best known for the paralyzing and strength leeching effects it has when cast at an enemy."
Changes made:
Mehrune's Razor: "This mythical artifact is capable of slaying any creature instantly."
Changes made:
What this mod doesn't do:
- Add any new artifacts or change how you come across them. (all item names are the same so should be very compatible)
- Compatible with MGEXE and OpenMW.
- Compatible with everything that doesn't change the stats to these items. Load this after any other mod that might also touch them.
- MWScript for Mehrunes' Razor and Masque of Clavicus Vile - Eldax (special thanks to Eldax for his help, I wouldn't have been able to get those scripts working by myself!)