About this mod
Inspired by Modernized HUD but more customizations, much better performance and other improvements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
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Enable the omwscripts plugin
Advantages vs MHud:
- The healing indicator shows overheal instead of being hidden when your health is full
- Fortify health effects are displayed correctly
- Each bar has it's own damage color, instead of all being yellow
- All colors are customizable
- Bar thickness is customizable
- Border Style is customizable
- Slightly better readable text + text position can be changed
- 50% lower performance impact because the UI Elements are much more branched and only what's really necessary gets updated
If you enable MHud's enemy healthbars and bar segments, this mod's performance hit is even 80% lower in comparison
For that kind of performance hit you could run BetterBars + Floating Healthbars together
- Different Max Length setting (squishes *all* bars when one exceeds the limit)
- New "Bar Length Equalizer" (You can enter any number between 0 and 1 to even out the bar lengths)
Disadvantages vs MHud:
- No bar segments. it's not really feasible with my performance optimizations.
- No custom enemy health indicator. Either use the vanilla one or install Floating Healthbars or SME
Native HUD Layouts:
The mod includes additional openmw_hud.layout files so you can enable/disable enemy healthbars and choose your sneak icon position (see 4. image)
Sorry that this requires you to move files around, but there's no better option.
The default is shifted sneak icon and enemy healthbars enabled (also shifted) (see 5. image)
my favorite layout is
Alternative Shifted Sneak Icon\Without Enemy Healthbar
and using a third party mod for enemy healthbars, such as Floating Healthbars or SMEBEGGING:
I've invested several hundred hours into making these morrowind mods.
If you can somehow afford it, a donation on https://www.patreon.com/c/OwnlyMods would be very appreciated
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