Don't use this! last updated in 01 March 2009 1:46AM
Instead use MGE XE at the link below, last updated 09 December 2023 3:48PM
"MGE XE is now at this link."
https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102 -
Hello. i can't play Morrowind, at no windowed choice, and the resolution don't go up to 2560 x 1440. is there a solution for that ? That's all. Thanks.
Where do I put the mod into?
Is this incompatible with MGE XE? or just replaced by it?
Don't be an idiot like me and install this instead of MGE XE. Long story short, I had to do a fresh install of Morrowind and was banging my head against the wall trying to figure out why the game was having so many issues. I also couldn't figure out why MGE XE was missing so many features and that's when it hit me.
MGE XE is the mod you want instead-
I dont meet the requirements for that mod but i also cant install this old one either.. What is a guy to do? I dont have tribunal or bloodmoon. I been trying to find free copy of the DLCs and I can't unpack them
You can currently get the GotY edition on Steam and GOG for £5.19
I got it on GOG for £3.29 last year.
That's less than a pint.
what a shitty mod with 95y installer....DO NOT USE THIS USE "MGE XE"
Great graphics but I can't any head packs to work with it. Yes, I hit the tic for custom mods, the head packs that come with this are dog ugly. So I have headless npcs. Anyone have this problem?
Why are you people downloading something this old? Read descriptions, comments, literally anything. Use that frontal lobe. You would know by now that this is an old version of MGE. Extremely outdated.
yeah, use only the new mods when altering this 20 year old game 😂
What is the difference between this Morrowind Graphics Extender, https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/5535 and MGE XE at https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102 ?
Do I need OpenMW for this mod to work properly?
Im not seeing a single difference aside from distant lands. The ground cover and trees havent changed one bit.