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About this mod

Investigating a ruined Talos statue on Solstheim leads to visions of an ancient battle and a lost relic. Follow the trail, face the trials, and prove yourself worthy of Talos' blessing.

Permissions and credits

By MwGek

About the mod
This mod adds a questline for Sabrina Vitellia, sending you to investigate a ruined statue along the Solstheim coast. Uncover the secrets she has in store as you follow the path of Talos. Created for the Winter Modjam 2025, this mod incorporates all four themes: pre-existing characters, Solstheim, Tribunal Temple Pilgrimages, and the will of the Aedra.

Getting started
To begin, find Sabrina in the Fort Frostmoth Armory, or, for those who’ve played through the Bloodmoon content and built the colony with blacksmith, she can be found in the Raven Rock Smithy.

Have fun.

Recommended mods
Recommended to play with Bloodmoon Rebalance to not get absolutely thrashed by overpowered mobs.

This mod has a compatibility patch for Solstheim: Tomb of the Snow Prince included in the package.

Score 7.11/10 - Ranking 5th

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