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Adds a cozy little house located right next to seyda neen, has everything you need for exploring the lands of VVardenfell and Tamriel, are you ready?

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Located just outside of Seyda Neen is a quaint cozy house containing everything you need for living in the lands of VVardenfell. the house contains a kitchen, a large bedroom with storage and a warm fire, a pantry for housing all of your alchemical ingrediants and whatever else you use. Located upstairs is a small study area for researching scrolls and studying maps, last but not least is a small basement area with tables and a training dummy. The house is now deserted after the previous owner decided to up and leave when the land became infested with Corpus Disease but not before locking it up tight.


- Kitchen Area with Storage
- Training Area
- Large Bedroom
- Supply Chest (Respawns Weekly)
- Study Area
- Landing Area