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good day, dear players, I found Kurpulio’s work very interesting, I took his animation after weapon hits, which leave a mark, and attached it to a couple of weapons, unfortunately, I can’t assign such animations to two-handed weapons, but I can attach them and change their color for any one-handed melee weapon. All because I make modifications on the phone :) If anyone is interested in these animations, I will try to make weapons with such animations, I also try to put new VFX animations on weapons)))


  1. 0ldForsakenHobo
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This is on a phone?!?! I need to upgrade my phone. I know mine would never be able to handle that. Looks better than what the old laptop im using can do.
    1. GwinFate
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Yes on the phone) a lot depends on the OMV apk file, optimization
    2. 0ldForsakenHobo
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It looks cool. You are puting out some amazing mods. I hope my piece of trash laptop can handle it. ( Im using a old dell D520 with windows 7. LOL)
    3. GwinFate
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Oke bro,if you have problem,writhe me here,i compress textures 2k to 1k or 512
    4. 0ldForsakenHobo
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Please I hope you dont misunderstand me. I have nothing but respect for you and the mods you make. I dont have any problem with you or your mods, my system is just very limited. All the weapon mods you have posted look and work great for me. I still need to load the armor. The anamation in your video just look like something beyond the abilities of a 20 year old laptop, for example I cant handle MWSE.
    5. GwinFate
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Don’t worry, these optimizations require almost no resources, optimization of the Morrowind OMV is 80% disabling glows and shadows, plus slightly reduce the rendering to 4000 range and remove the grass from the landscaping thanks  for reply