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About this mod

Added Quicksilver over Kung Lao's 001 slot
Added CW Flash over Kung Lao's 001 slot
Added Snyder Flash over Kung Lao's 002 slot
Added Reverse Flash over Kameo Kung Lao's 001 slot

Permissions and credits

This was a lot of fun to mess with and try some new things out. I love speedsters in general so finding a way to kind of make them fit was interesting. Obviously, not everything is a perfect translation but Kung Lao was decent enough that the animations were cool to try out. A few versions of Kung Lao in this one and released all of the main kung lao characters with and without icons so you can mix and match your main or keep the traditional kung lao images. If anyone really wants, I have a snyder kameo kung lao that is almost done but figured this was enough speedsters/variations at the moment. 

Quicksilver over Kung Lao's 001 slot
CW Flash over Kung Lao's 001 slot
Snyder Flash over Kung Lao's 002 slot
Reverse Flash over Kameo Kung Lao's 001 slot

New Obstacles
- Making Gear and Props disappear without crashing the game
- Successfully manipulating RMA textures to reduce shine and reduce texture issues
- Using NormalmapGenerator to create normal and specular maps that don't alter the textures

Known Bugs
- Quicksilver 
   - When viewing Kung Lao's hats, you can see the original characters neck pop out (Only place this happens)

Special Thanks to the following who helped make this happen:
  • TheThiny - For the Game patcher -
  • Peek - for the MKSecrets guide that opened a lot of doors for the newbies
  • KonanGod - for the video guide to get started modding that held our hands the whole way through - &
  • Kboykboy2 - for the custom game engine -
  • Liberty - For the guide on fixing RMA textures and correcting issues with shine
  • DatKofGuy - for the original extraction of the Quicksilver model -
  • IIIDreamerIII - For obtaining and uploading the Quicksilver and Reverse Flash model -
  • SSingh511 - For uploading the 3d model for Snyder and CW Flash -
  • Gildor - for the injustice: gods among us tools used to extract Reverse Flash
  • Warner Bros, and NRS - For the original reverse flash, CW Flash and Snyder flash 3d models
  • BigChillGhost, Luigi Auriemma and Imagination - for the Marvel Super War tools used to extract the Quicksilver model
  • NetEase Games and Marvel Entertainment - For the original Quicksilver 3d model