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About this mod

Golden skins pack for Kung Lao, Kollector and Cetrion. These goes to Kung Lao's "Bred For Kombat" skin, Kollector's "Outworld Alchemy" skin, and Cetrion's "Yellow Jacket" skin. Special K is needed to install the mods.

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These goes to Kung Lao's "Bred For Kombat" skin, Kollector's "Outworld Alchemy" skin, and Cetrion's "Yellow Jacket" skin.

1) Only works on DX11 version of the game.
2) Place texture files in :  C:\Users\Your-PC\Documents\My Mods\SpecialK\Profiles\Mortal Kombat 11\SK_Res\inject\textures.
3) Use Special K to launch Mortal Kombat 11. (Tutorial on how to use Special K : ).
4) Best version of Special K to use is the Stable version 21.04.04 .  Must download the Installer first (Test version) and then use 21.04.04 to launch MK11 :
5) Must select the needed skin mentioned earlier.
6) Open Special K Menu then click Render Mod Tools, expand the window, and hit Reload All Injected Textures on the top-right hand side.
7) Your textures are loaded.

I extracted the textures via Special K and used Paint.NET to edit the textures.
Programs I used to make this mod: Special K, Paint.NET, Mortal Kombat 11 Extraction Tool.

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