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About this mod

2 or 3 days ago I read a post on modding farming and I thought "hmm.... I;m gonna try to make a Blacksmith mod. 2 days and abot a hundred variables later I came up with this. current featurs: new npc thats the blacksmith he makes items out of iron you give him takes about a day to complete said item then gives it too you he gets better the

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2 or 3 days ago I read a post on modding farming and I thought "hmm.... I;m gonna try to make a Blacksmith mod. 2 days and abot a hundred variables later I came up with this.

current featurs:
new npc thats the blacksmith
he makes items out of iron you give him
takes about a day to complete said item
then gives it too you
he gets better the more he makes stuff

[rule] Features[rule]
  • blacksmith to smith

  • gains exp. so he gets better

[rule] File History[rule]v.15- 04/12/05

v.1- 04/12/05