A general change of graphics and details of the characters according to the trend of the modern

The structure of this mod is very precise and it doesn't have the problems of most full change mods, you don't get any errors during the game and of course it gives you a very smooth game and a frame rate of 40 or higher, even in heavy battles.Unfortunately, most general change mods have structural and fundamental problems, and they also have low accuracy in creating characters and creating cultures, that's why users can't communicate with them.
But the soldier and culture trees in this mod are very carefully designed, although for the sake of high appeal, I have put cultures and empires that were different in time periods together and even used the mythical culture of Gondor.

Probably, this mod can't work with total conversions as europe campain mods, but it doesn't have any problems with side mods that include features, gameplay, etc.If your game version is 1.2.9,there is no need to restart the campaign and the mod works in old campaigns as well.

folow me for update 
this mod version is first and It can definitely be much better
I will be back soon with Europa campaign versions and...

In the prerequisites section, it is stated which culture and soldier trees each prerequisite adds

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