About this mod
This is the master page for all mods under the True Gameplay title.
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
All future releases, plans and priorities will be posted directly under this page
Current active mods:
Sort order is mostly irrelevant, all modules can be used alone or together
The only exception is the True Controller which should supersede all other true mods at this time
Designed for and tested on 1.2.10
Other Bannerlord versions likely compatible, including 1.2.7+
True Controller - Core control file used to connect all modules together
True Noble Opinion - Fixes the opinions of nobles and mercs to be separate from the clan leader
True Relations - Your reputation with those around you will change with your actions
True Town Gold - Never again be limited by the trading gold available in towns
True Army Costs - Forming an army is a costly endeavor, prepare to have the way you view your troops be altered
True Battle Loot - Changes the loot rules to increase the amount and loot the more valuable items first, your purse is sure to thank you
True Limits - Set your own limits and formulas for various calculations such as party sizes and maximum prisoners
As with all my mods, these are designed to be modular and can added / removed at any point
For any questions, suggestions or to report a bug, please use the Discord Channel