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File credits
Party AI Overhaul and Commands https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/493
Created by Captain_Octavius AKA Maegfaer Uploaded by Maegfaer
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Version v1.1.0g
Game version v1.1.0 is now supported.
Notification is now displayed when a hero leading a party dies.
Troops are now maintained when the party leader is changed.
Added the ability to organize notifications displayed on the right edge of the screen.
The orders of the heroes who become governors from now on are cancelled.
Improved handling of irregular parties when found.
Fixed a problem that occurred when the companion party's food consumption reached 0.
Fixed an issue where if the player stops recruiting troops when no recruitment template is set up, the troops that the companion party was trying to upgrade will disappear.
Fixed an issue where recruited prisoners would disappear if recruitment from prisoners was set to enable when troop recruitment was suspended.
Fixed a problem where a party in the process of disbanding would stay in the nearest village until it was disbanded. (Vanilla issue)
Updated the translation template.
Version v1.0.3f
Fixed a problem that occurred when the companion party's food consumption reached 0.
Fixed an issue where if the player stops recruiting troops when no recruitment template is set up, the troops that the companion party was trying to upgrade will disappear.
Fixed an issue where recruited prisoners would disappear if recruitment from prisoners was set to enable when troop recruitment was suspended.
Improved handling of irregular parties when found.
Version v1.0.2e
Fixed a problem with almost no attacks on enemy lords during roam orders.
The party's wage limit is now remembered.
Fixed problem with caravans being aggressive.
Companion orders are now cancelled when the leader of the caravan is changed.
Enhanced the process of canceling companion orders when creating a caravan.
Option "Recovered heroes automatically create a new party" : It now also applies to companions captured by army defeats.
Improved checking for invalid values in areas where crashes were reported.
Improved the order of the list when specifying patrol locations and towns to stay.
Improved the way to look for enemies when patrolling.
Fixed a problem where troops attempting to upgrade would disappear when the upgrade destination was full.
Fixed compatibility issues.
Fixed a problem that prevented the companion party from attacking the hideout.
Reduced the problem of companion parties continually chasing the enemy.
Version v1.0.0c
Added option for heroes recovering from prisoner to automatically create a new party.
Added option to retrieve party information code to avoid ambiguity when reporting problems.
A command to view the contents of the party information code has been added. (pao.extract_party_info)
Fixed crash when exiting a custom battle.
Fixed a problem in which the companion party would forget previous orders after leaving the player's army if the AutoRejoin option was not enabled.
Fixed a problem in which troops not registered in the recruitment template were recruited when recruitment from prisoners was never specified.
Fixed a problem that made it difficult to select a set troop for the second and subsequent recruitment template settings.
Fixed a problem that caused upgraded troops to be rejected and the number of people in the party to be reduced when the setting was set to not recruit.
Fixed an issue where "Surrender" was not always displayed in the battle menu of the map. (Vanilla issue)
Fixed behavior where troops not registered in the recruitment template were being removed equal to the number of troops upgraded.
Fixed behavior of AutoRejoin option for v1.0.0.
Adjusted the timing of the display of messages attacking the hideout.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.9.0a
Fixed a problem in which orders given to a companion were carried out even after the caravan was created.
Version e1.8.1z
Added option to detect problematic parties without a leader hero.
Fixed a problem in which the StayTown instruction was not correctly recognizing the enemy when the player did not belong to a kingdom.
Temporary set troops needed in the recruitment template are now deleted after they have been used.
Improved the behavior of recruiting troops and hiring from prisoners.
"Use the same plan" no longer shows heroes with the same recruitment template.
The mod now removes the recruitment template for heroes who have left the player clan.
Fixed a problem in which if a losing lord was assigned by the game to a companion party set to capture no prisoners, that lord would go missing.
Fixed a problem where a companion party set to not recruit troops would keep stopping at a village when there were less than 10 members.
Fixed a problem in which a party immediately after marriage was recognized as a party of lords without a leader hero.
Fixed a crash that could occur when talking to troop leaders in town and castle menus.
Fixed a crash that occurred when the relationship between a player and a clan member was worse than -10.
Fixed an issue that was causing crashes with AiHourlyTick.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.8.0y
Fixed a crash that occurred no matter which option was selected on the conversation screen after the player defeated an enemy moving on the map and rescued the companion.
Fixed a problem with duplicate application of Harmony patches.
Fixed a crash when occupying a castle if the player is hostile to all town owners. (Vanilla issue)
Improved behavior on code.
Version e1.8.0x
Fixed a problem that caused companion parties to stop in villages and towns when giving orders without setting a recruitment template. (Vanilla recruitment issues)
Fixed an issue where the conversation screen with oneself would automatically open after the player character was changed.
Fixed a crash that could occur when creating a caravan.
Removed features of the mod that are no longer needed due to vanilla modifications.
Version e1.8.0w
Fixed a problem in which loading saved data in which a player is captured by an enemy would delete the player party.
Fixed a problem in which loading a saved data in which the leader of a lords party died would delete that party.
Version e1.8.0v
Fixed a problem in which the mod was judging as incorrect a party without a leader hero created by the lords party leader change system introduced in e1.8.0.
Fixed a problem where companion parties kept stopping at looted villages.
Version e1.8.0u
Fixed a crash when trying to purchase goods in a village if the player owns the village and does not own a town nearby. (Vanilla issue)
Fixed a crash when opening and canceling the equipment or troop exchange screen via PAO telepathy when the companion party is in town. (Vanilla issue)
When using PAO telepathy, a message box is now displayed if the other party is busy.
Version e1.7.1n
Fixed a crash when a player's party enters another army when using this mod in conjunction with another mod.
Fixed a crash when merging parties if the player party and companion party are far apart.
Fixed a crash when ordering a person to join the army when talking to a companion party remotely.
Added an option to ignore the recruitment template and give priority to increasing the number of people in the party.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.7.1k
Added stay order. (This is an upgraded version of Patrol)
Added an option to allow players to decide the treatment of lords won by companion parties that fought alongside the player.
The button to call the "Army Management" screen is now always enabled.
It now functions properly when "Dismiss from Army" is selected in the list of army members at the bottom right of the screen.
If there are enemy lords as members of the companion party, they are to be removed.
The companion party prioritizes increasing the number of people. (Immediately after party creation)
When a player creates a companion party, the player will have the opportunity to speak with that party. (Even though we are far away from each other)
The internal data of the function to restore previous orders when a companion party leaves the army is now saved. (The party no longer forgets its orders.)
Prevented prisoner heroes deposited in Brothel in the "Captivity Events" mod from being identified as "missing heroes".
Invalid upgrade targets for troops are now removed after the game starts. (Female Troops Reborn V1.7.0 works)
Fixed a crash when creating an army while not belonging to anywhere.
Fixed a problem where troops were being recruited when they stayed in town even though they were set to not recruit.
Fixed a crash when adding a companion released from captivity to a player's party and selecting something with Alt+LeftClick.
Fixed crash when merging parties.
Fixed an issue where a party would move strangely over the village when party wages were restricted.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.7.0j
Fixed an error that occurred when a companion that was following a player was kicked out of the clan.
Version e1.7.0i
The companion party no longer attacks the hideout during follow orders.
Fixed an issue where the companion party would stop in place when the enemy they were tracking was defeated by someone else. (At follow order)
Version e1.7.0h
Fixed a crash when the companion party evacuates to town
Version e1.7.0g
Improved patrols for companion parties.
Added the option "Override vanilla wage limits to recruit troops".
Fixed an issue where the companion party would not follow the player when the follow command was given.
Fixed an issue where the follow command "Do not chase enemies until I give the signal" was not working.
Fixed an issue where the normal conversation screen would open after assisting the companion party in battle. (Vanilla problem)
Enhanced checking of invalid values on the army management screen.
It now runs on Linux.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.7.0f
Improved troop recruitment behavior.
Players can now also select a companion in a different town when creating a caravan.
Fixed a crash when using the "Do not recruit troops" option.
I noticed that the translation files are now displayed with priority over the internal data. (Change the English translation template and it will be reflected in the game)
Version e1.7.0e
Fixed to be able to load save data saved using e1.7.0d.
Version e1.7.0d
It is now possible to specify "Whether to recruit troops or not / How to capture the prisoners / Whether or not to recruit troops from the prisoners" for the companion party.
The companion party has launched an attack on hideout. (Except for "Do not besiege any towns or castles" command.)
The companion party began to aggressively attack the bandits.
The newly created party will now enter the town immediately to reduce the chances of being caught by enemies.
Fixed an issue where the companion party would starve.
Fixed an issue where rescuing a companion captured by an enemy would cause an infinite loop.
Fixed an issue where the companion party would not attack the bandits during roam.
Fixed an issue where the forget all instructions feature was not working properly.
Improved the process of recruiting troops from the prisoners.
Updated the translation template.
Version e1.7.0c
Fixed an issue where characters with the Hero attribute could not be added to the party when a recruitment template was set for the companion party.
Version e1.7.0b
Fixed a crash that occurred when selecting Companion in the town's top menu.
Version e1.7.0a
Fixed a crash problem when starting a new game.
Version e1.7.0
Improved the method of setting up recruitment troops.
Improved the mechanism for companion parties to recruit troops.
Companion parties can now choose whether or not to recruit troops from prisoners.
Companion parties have come to remember the orders given before joining the army.
The auto-rejoin function has been improved and made optional.
The auto-rejoin function now correctly recognizes the disbanding of an army done on the army management screen.(X mark)
Added an option for the companion to not touch the garrison soldiers.
Version e1.6.2g
Fixed an issue where creating a new party in vanilla would give them food that exceeded their maximum weight and slow down their movement speed.
Attempted to fix a crash that occurred when the player became a prisoner.
Added "Stop taking prisoners, except for the leading nobility" to roam and patrol orders.
Localization Template is now included.(Please refer to the description section)
Version e1.6.1d
Fixed a crash when a player becomes a prisoner.
Version e1.6.1c
Fixed a crash when disbanding an army while the player does not belong to a kingdom.
Fixed an issue where the army reunion option was not working.
Version e1.6.1b
Fixed an issue where the army would be forcibly disbanded when peace or war was declared.
Fixed a bug that caused the lord to go missing.
Fixed an issue where troops were receiving experience when opening the item exchange screen after a battle with an enemy.
Fixed an issue where the cheat command "campaign.take_hero_prisoner" was not recognized even if the spaces in the hero name were connected with "_".
Added an item to the conversation screen with the companion that allows you to set options for the mod.
Added the ability to reset all templates for troop composition.
If a player's army is disbanded due to lack of cohesion or party members, it will now automatically reunite.(Only if the kingdom you belong to is at war.) + The option has an interval to remember the members of the army.(I just noticed that it was still fixed to 3 days internally. I will fix it in the next update.)
You can now manually upgrade your companion's troops in the troop transfer screen.(The automatic upgrade is also working.)
Optionally, you can add a mark at the end of the string used by this mod.
Optionally, you can now disable the vanilla muster rules in the army composition screen and call a companion party.
Q. I have disabled this mod and my save data crashes in vanilla. What should I do? A. You will need to reset the elements that utilize the functionality of this mod. e.g. If you join the kingdom as a mercenary and use the features of this mod to create an army, you must disband the army before disabling this mod. Because in vanilla mercenaries cannot be army leaders.
Q. How do I translate into different languages? A. You can use "Localization_english.xml" as a template for translation.
How to create a translation file + Localization template file : PartyAIOverhaulCommands\ModuleData\Languages\English\Localization_english.xml + Copy the "English" folder and rename it appropriately. + Rename "Localization_english.xml" in the folder to an appropriate name. + Please change the value of "tag language" in the xml file to the language you want to translate. (The language displayed in the Gameplay - Language section of the game options.) * The game will load the files located under the ModuleData\Languages folder at startup. If you change the contents of the translation file, you will need to re-launch the launcher. * Please note that changes to the English text will not be reflected in the game.
Q. How do I use My Little Warband and this mod together? A. Please refer to the following guide.
I can confirm that using My Little Warband (1.7) with Party AI Overhaul Commands Rebuild (1.7) does allow your parties to recruit your custom troops exclusively. Following these steps will cause any troops your parties recruit to automatically transform into your custom troops, regardless of what faction they recruit from*:
1.) Using My Little Warband (default settings), create your custom desired troops for both recruit and elite trees. 2.) Using Party AI Overhaul (default settings), after forming your desired party, talk to the party leader. 3.) Select > "Let's review your party's composition plan." 4.) Select > "Let's decide what troops you should recruit." 5.) Under "Available Troop Trees" hit the transfer all button until all the troops on the right are transferred to the left. 6.) Select > "Let's have a closer look." 7.) Do not change anything here. Select > Done. 8.) Finally, you will be asked if you wish to recruit from prisoners. Select > "No." (Choosing "Yes" will allow them to recruit looters. However, after testing, looter troops recruited by parties stay looters and do not transform into your custom troops. So Select > "Yes" if you don't mind having looters mixed in with your custom troops.)
For some reason, I personally have found that doing this any other way causes the party never to recruit anyone.
*Please note that this will allow only the player's parties the ability to recruit your custom troops. If you would like other AI lords to be able to recruit your custom troops also, then you will need to change the xml settings in My Little Warband.
About the option "DEBUG : Detection of the lords party with no leader hero" If this option is enabled, the mod will detect the appearance of a party of lords without a leader hero. Detection results are written to a harmony.log.txt file that is created on the desktop.
* When a leader hero is set, the mod remembers the location where the setting command was issued. * The location where the first null setting command is issued is written to the log file as "**StackTrace (General type)". * If a party is found with the leader hero set to null, the in-game date/party information/leader hero setting history is written to the log file.
If a party is found without a leader hero, there may be a hint in the setting history as to which mod is involved.
Q. Why are parties whose leader hero is set to null in General type sometimes not detected? A. Parties managed by the game system are not subject to detection.
The following is an example of detection results. * A party without a leader hero was detected on "Autumn 12, 1100". * On "Autumn 11, 1100" the leader hero of the party was set to "Mitela". * The code executed on "Autumn 12, 1100" resulted in the leader hero being null. * Therefore, there is most likely a problem with the code executed on "Autumn 12, 1100". ================================ harmony.log.txt ================================ **StackTrace (General type) : Mitela's Party : null : lord_4_24_2_party_19896 at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.GetStackTraceStr(Int32 skipCount) at PartyAiOverhaulAndCommands.Behaviors.PAO_DetectNoLeaderHeroParty.PAO_ChangePartyLeaderPatch.Postfix(PartyComponent __instance, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Party.PartyComponents.LordPartyComponent.ChangePartyLeader_Patch2(LordPartyComponent this, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex_Patch1(TroopRoster this, Int32 index, Int32 countChange, Int32 woundedCountChange, Int32 xpChange, Boolean removeDepleted) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCounts_Patch2(TroopRoster this, CharacterObject character, Int32 count, Boolean insertAtFront, Int32 woundedCount, Int32 xpChange, Boolean removeDepleted, Int32 index) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Clan.CreateNewMobileParty(Hero hero) at Helpers.MobilePartyHelper.CreateNewClanMobileParty(Hero partyLeader, Clan clan, Boolean& leaderCameFromMainParty) at PartyAiOverhaulAndCommands.Behaviors.PAO_DetectNoLeaderHeroParty.ForceCreateLordParty(List`1 strings) at TaleWorlds.Library.CommandLineFunctionality.CallFunction(String concatName, String concatArguments, Boolean& found) at ManagedCallbacks.LibraryCallbacksGenerated.Managed_CallCommandlineFunction(IntPtr functionName, IntPtr arguments)
--------------------------- Autumn 12, 1100 --------------------------- ** The mod has found a party of lords with no leader hero ** MobilePartyName : Mitela's Party LeaderHero : null Owner : Mitela Clan : dey Cortain Kingdom : Vlandia StringID : lord_4_24_2_party_19896
**StackTrace : dey Cortain's Party : Mitela : lord_4_24_2_party_19896 : Autumn 11, 1100 at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.GetStackTraceStr(Int32 skipCount) at PartyAiOverhaulAndCommands.Behaviors.PAO_DetectNoLeaderHeroParty.PAO_ChangePartyLeaderPatch.Postfix(PartyComponent __instance, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Party.PartyComponents.LordPartyComponent.ChangePartyLeader_Patch2(LordPartyComponent this, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Actions.TeleportHeroAction.ApplyInternal(Hero hero, Settlement targetSettlement, MobileParty targetParty, TeleportationDetail detail) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.TeleportationCampaignBehavior.ApplyImmediateTeleport(TeleportationData data) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors.TeleportationCampaignBehavior.HourlyTick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec list) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.HourlyTick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.HourlyTick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.HourlyTick(MBCampaignEvent campaignEvent, Object[] delegateParams) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MBCampaignEvent.RunHandlers(Object[] delegateParams) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MBCampaignEvent.CheckUpdate() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignPeriodicEventManager.SignalPeriodicEvents() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.Tick() at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnMapModeTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameState.MapState.OnTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.Core.Game.OnTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.OnTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.OnApplicationTick(Single dt) at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.ApplicationTick(Single dt)
**StackTrace : Mitela's Party : null : lord_4_24_2_party_19896 : Autumn 12, 1100 at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.GetStackTraceStr(Int32 skipCount) at PartyAiOverhaulAndCommands.Behaviors.PAO_DetectNoLeaderHeroParty.PAO_ChangePartyLeaderPatch.Postfix(PartyComponent __instance, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Party.PartyComponents.LordPartyComponent.ChangePartyLeader_Patch2(LordPartyComponent this, Hero newLeader) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCountsAtIndex_Patch1(TroopRoster this, Int32 index, Int32 countChange, Int32 woundedCountChange, Int32 xpChange, Boolean removeDepleted) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Roster.TroopRoster.AddToCounts_Patch2(TroopRoster this, CharacterObject character, Int32 count, Boolean insertAtFront, Int32 woundedCount, Int32 xpChange, Boolean removeDepleted, Int32 index) at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Clan.CreateNewMobileParty(Hero hero) at Helpers.MobilePartyHelper.CreateNewClanMobileParty(Hero partyLeader, Clan clan, Boolean& leaderCameFromMainParty) at PartyAiOverhaulAndCommands.Behaviors.PAO_DetectNoLeaderHeroParty.ForceCreateLordParty(List`1 strings) at TaleWorlds.Library.CommandLineFunctionality.CallFunction(String concatName, String concatArguments, Boolean& found) at ManagedCallbacks.LibraryCallbacksGenerated.Managed_CallCommandlineFunction(IntPtr functionName, IntPtr arguments) ================================ harmony.log.txt ================================
Tips * All - (very rare)If the crash occurs when you let the companion party attack enemies with the Left-ALT key, you may be able to avoid it by following the steps below. + Start up with this mod disabled. + Load a save that the CTD is happening to. + Save game to a new save and shut down. + Restart the game with mod enabled and load that new save. * e1.6.1b to e1.6.5 - When the kingdom you belong to is at war, the auto-reunion function will work. If you want to disband an army, use the "Disband Army" button on the army management screen. * e1.6.0 only - Leave the number of troops limit at 1 (it will crash if you increase it) * v2.4.13 only - The troop recruitment screen will start working properly after you hit the reset button.
How to install * Vortex (open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods) OR
Copy the "PartyAIOverhaulCommands" folder to Mount & Blade II Bannerlord / Modules
Running the Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Launcher
Press Mods to enable "PartyAIOverhaulCommands" & "Harmony"
Press play
Changes in version e1.6.2g * Fixed an issue where creating a new party in vanilla would give them food that exceeded their maximum weight and slow down their movement speed. * Attempted to fix a crash that occurred when the player became a prisoner. * Added "Stop taking prisoners, except for the leading nobility" to roam and patrol orders. * Localization Template is now included.
Changes in version e1.6.1d * Fixed a crash when a player becomes a prisoner.
Changes in version e1.6.1c * Fixed a crash when disbanding an army while the player does not belong to a kingdom. * Fixed an issue where the army reunion option was not working.
Changes in version e1.6.1b * Fixed an issue where the army would be forcibly disbanded when peace or war was declared. * Fixed a bug that caused the lord to go missing. * Added an item to the conversation screen with the companion that allows you to set options for the mod. * If a player's army is disbanded due to lack of cohesion or party members, it will now automatically reunite.(Only if the kingdom you belong to is at war.) +* The option has an interval to remember the members of the army.(I just noticed that it was still fixed to 3 days internally. I will fix it in the next update.) * You can now manually upgrade your companion's troops in the troop transfer screen.(The automatic upgrade is also working.) * Fixed an issue where troops were receiving experience when opening the item exchange screen after a battle with an enemy. * Added the ability to reset all templates for troop composition. * Optionally, you can add a mark at the end of the string used by this mod. * Optionally, you can now disable the vanilla muster rules in the army composition screen and call a companion party. * Fixed an issue where the cheat command "campaign.take_hero_prisoner" was not recognized even if the spaces in the hero name were connected with "_".
If you are suffering from unexplained crashes, this mod may be able to help. This mod accesses the runtime debug information of the game and outputs the contents to a log file.
Output file DebugPrint/DebugMessage.txt
Output contents If normal, the output will be in the following format. =========================================== **Mono : opening ..\..\Modules\Native/ModuleData/action_sets.xml **StackTrace : at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.GetStackTraceStr(Int32 skipCount) at DebugPrint.DebugPrint.Debug_OnPrint(String arg1, UInt64 arg2) at TaleWorlds.Library.Debug.Print(String message, Int32 logLevel, DebugColor color, UInt64 debugFilter) at TaleWorlds.ObjectSystem.MBObjectManager.CreateDocumentFromXmlFile(String xmlPath, String xsdPath, Boolean forceSkipValidation) at TaleWorlds.ObjectSystem.MBObjectManager.CreateMergedXmlFile(List`1 toBeMerged, List`1 xsltList, Boolean skipValidation) at TaleWorlds.ObjectSystem.MBObjectManager.GetMergedXmlForNative(String id, List`1& usedPaths) at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Module.CreateProcessedActionSetsXMLForNative() =========================================== "**Mono" is the debug message that the mod got from the game. "**StackTrace" is the function that was executed. (Read from bottom to top)
If an exception occurs, the following output format will be used. =========================================== Exception : ThrowArgumentException Type : ArgumentException Message : An item with the same key has already been added. Object : mscorlib Module : C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll Sender : TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Launcher.exe StackTrace : at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource) ===========================================
How to install * Vortex OR * Copy the folder for this mod into the "Mount & Blade II Bannerlord / Modules" folder.