About this mod
Gives trade XP to the player depending of the amount of items sold by a caravan
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
From an original idea from strawmanne and an update from hunharibo1, who allows improvements on his mod. The mod is not compatible with 1.7.0 anymore, and the percentage value was hardcoded, which didn't suit me. So I made this version.
To respect hunharibo wish, this mod has also modification permission.
How does it work ?
Each time one of your companion caravan sell his commodities at a town, a percentage of the total value will be rewarded to him and you as trade XP. This value is adjustable in the config file which you can see below. Any value over 50 (so trade XP = x50 the sell value) will be caped at x50 maximum.
You'll have a notification in the chat log telling you how much XP a trader gave you, which will allow you to increase/decrease the configuration depending on your needs.
Will only work on 1.7.x
# Configuration file for CaravansTradeXP by Prozengan
# Price percentage from the caravan sell value which is transformed into XP / DEFAULT : 0.3 (30%)
# Example : 0.3 > If the trader sold items for 1000 gold, you'll get 300 trade XP
# Example : 1.5 > If the trader sold items for 1000 gold, you'll get 1500 trade XP
#### Logs enable
# Display or not the amount of XP you get per day
# Set at true / false
# Default is true
Unzip the archive and put the folder CaravansTradeXP in your Modules folder.
You might need to unblock the DLL in CaravansTradeXP\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client
Open the CTXP.config file with notepad and edit the way you want
Nothing is witten in save file, so you can remove the mod at any time. You can also edit the config file during your playthrough, there is no need to restart the game.
My other mods
Character Manager
Adjustable Level Up Points