Now adds 36 clans times 7 lords 4 female 3 male :D I am mainly using this as a back up but obviously feel free to use it aswell. WARNING THOUGH THIS IS MOSTLY UNTESTED I BEEN PLAYING IT SOMETIME AGO AND ENCOUNTEED BUGS WITH MARRIAGE AS AN EXAMPLE. This mod is 1.8.0 compatible version of original mod.
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Adds 24 clans of 3 maiden each :D tested on 1.6.4 I am mainly using this as a back up but obviously feel free to use it aswell. WARNING THOUGH THIS IS MOSTLY UNTESTED I BEEN PLAYING IT SOMETIME AGO AND ENCOUNTEED BUGS WITH MARRIAGE AS AN EXAMPLE.
Really be aware of the warning I am not kidding. Will probably port all my stuff properly once the game releases. But for now I do lack the time.
Original plan is to add for example an imperial cavalry commander to the nordic faction as example. Vassals that act as vassals but also add more diversity to factions. Not very lorefriendly obviously :D
After some testing encountered that I should add more charcaters do which is why each now has 7 lords. 4 female so 1 of them can be marriaged of and improve the flow of play.
I can recommend the young female companions mod but due to the lack of testing I can not recommend this at the moment.
Is guarenteed not to work in later versions. (I fix that for 1.8.0)
Original mod link: