This page was last updated on 15 July 2020, 3:00PM
Version 1.2.10-hotfix1
Fixes a bug that spammed the player with "you do not have enough influence to keep the fief" messages when not having enough influence to keep a fief, but someone else capturing a fief
Version 1.2.10
Hopefully fixes a bug, that crashed the game when attempting to reset truces.
Adds a configurable Influencecost to the "Keep Fief" option.
Balancing: tuned down the cost for paid wars, to make smaller wars more affordable, tuned up the cost of truces by 10k a day, to nerf it a little bit
Version 1.2.9-hotfix2
Fixes a bug that would crash the game when returning to menu after leaving your kingdom via the mods menus.
Hopefully fixes a bug that would let you talk to dead or imprissoned Lords
Fixes Chinese and template localization files. Those were not complete in the previous hotfix.
Version 1.2.9-hotfix1
Fixes an issue, where the mod would invert inventories in custom barters, making it possible to trade for AI items with themselves
Version 1.2.9
Adds the "Paidwars" feature to the mod, you can now pay other nations to declare war on other nations
Fixes a bug that crashed the game when raiding a faction you are on truce with. You will not be able to raid villages of truced factions.
Hopefully fixes a bug that let you talk to imprisonned leaders
Fixes a bug, that hid the Return to options menu on paid wars(Reuploaded version)
Fixes an issue, where the mod would attempt to load the language template and fail, thus outputting Errorlogs for alot of users
Version 1.2.8
Adds a custom barter for truce with any factionleader
Adds savegame support, the mod will now persist all agreements
Version 1.2.7
This version adds a configurable "Truce" to the game, which hinders players aswell as AI on declaring war right after having a peace-contract signed
Version 1.2.6
Fixes a bug that would make the "keep" option do nothing upon capturing a fief
Version 1.2.5
Fixed a bug that crashed the game when gifting away fiefs that are under siege. The mod should now not display fiefs under siege as giftable anymore!
Version 1.2.4
Adds in a Feature that (configurably) delays any conversation with other nations after declaring war on them, (currently doesnt persist through sessions)
Version 1.2.3-hotfix2
Adds additional safety nets to logging and translations, the game should not crash because of them anymore!
Version 1.2.3-hotfix1
This version hotfixes a Critical error that would occour when (ironic) another Error occurrs, crashing the game when not finding /Errors/Errorlogs.log. It should now create this file when missing on startup
Version 1.2.3
Added a localization feature, making it easy to add an own translation, or change language to your liking
Added Errorlogging, which leaves an "Errors.log" in "./DiplomacyReworked/ErrorLogs/" in case of bugs being caught
Version 1.2.2
Fixing multiple Bugs crashing the game when Vassals where entering or leaving the Kingdom, this was due to an Error in the mod not checking if the last Attacker of the respective fief existed making the game crash after loading and having such an event happening. It should now be hopefully be resolved and no popup should be tried to be pushed when such an event happens.
Fixed a bug where the Kingdoms section would not be updated when switching, leaving or renaming Kingdoms, it should now be displaying updated Data properly
Added Settlement Names when a "Keep Fief" popup occurs, so it can be identified more easily as the popup is immovable
Version 1.2.0
Added a Feature that lets you keep or pass Fiefs that you captured
Version 1.1.3
Fixed a bug where the game would crash when loading gamemodes other than campaign
Enabled Vortex support
Version 1.1.1
Fixes a Bug that would not display the Kingdom-Diplomacy option for Members with no Fiefs aswell as members that were not leaders
Version 1.1.0
Adds a Diplomacy Feature for your Kingdom, you can now talk to kingdom clans- leaders aswell as gift other clans any of your self owned fiefs
Version 1.0.1
This Patch should fix a bug, in which new games would crash the game, old version has been removed