About this mod
Gain daily interest from keeping your money in a Settlements bank. Configurable yield.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Mirrors
This is a reupload of a mod created by Jarlotee which has not been functioning since shortly after the release of the mod.
After several attempts of getting in touch with the author, I decided to upload it.
Let us hope he is well... Let us hope he just grew tired of the game, and had no reason to check his Nexusmods page anymore.
The source code of his mod was available on GitHub.
Before I took a long break from the game, I played with this mod and thought it was so useful I could not play without it. I had not coded anything before this, but I figured out how to get it working with 1.8.0 after a while. After hours upon hours of failure, I also managed to add MCM to the mod so that the values that matter are configurable by the player. I find the default values to be good, as they are not overpowered, more on the underpowered side (You can configure it to your liking...). But late game I find myself with too much money and nothing to do with it... But now we have something to do with it. Place it in a bank and get daily interest, EVEN MORE MONEYS!!!!!
Requirements and Installation Guide:
For the newst version, with configurations available, the required mods are: Mod Configuration Menu. Install this before proceeding (MCM requires Harmony, UIExtender and Butterlib. Please see these mods installation notes before proceeding.)
To Install;
1.Download file.
2.Unblock .7z file by right clicking it, hitting "Properties", and check off the "Unblock" box in the bottom right corner.
3.Drag and drop the folder "BannerLordBanksPatch" from the .7z file, straight into your "Modules" folder.
4.Read the important information below.
As of e1.8.x you have a few ways of creating residual income:
- Fiefs
- Caravans
- Workshops
- Trading and Trade Perks (Spring of Gold, which is capped at 1000 denars per day...)
- Smithing (99.9% of the income if you are a scum like me | Not Jarlotee, but the scumbag reuploader)
Fiefs are only available mid/late game depending on your play style, require active management, and are vulnerable to looters, raids and sieges.
Caravan parties seem to ignore all the skills and perks of your leader (max size 30) making them vulnerable to looters and enemy lords.
Workshops are stuck at level 1, with income that is highly volatile given they need a steady supply of both materials and buyers. Not to mention that a rival kingdom can happy seize your workshop if you become an enemy for a hot second.
Spring of Gold requires 250 trade, typically mid/late game and the interest (while amazing) caps out at 1,000 denars.
Smithing and selling/bartering can be tedious, cheesy and can ruin the economy.
Bannerlord Banks creates a moneylender in each city that will happily allow you to deposit as much gold as you like at a competitive rate (based on the town's prosperity).
The higher the prosperity, the better the interest rate. This maxes out when a town has a prosperity rate of 6000+.
If you think the interest rates are very low; before you max out the settings you can configure, try to find a town with a higher prosperity rating.
The game currently has 30 days per season for a total of 120 game days per year.
If we look at the perk `Font of Gold` and do some math (1% interest per day) you are look at an annual yield of 120%. Obviously no one in their right mind would take out a loan (even from your charming lord) at a rate of 120% APY.
If we assume that a VERY prosperous city is at or above 6000 prosperity and you have an investment in said city then you can expect to get 40% return per annum. (Previous versions had 60%, which seems high, but is only half of what Spring of Gold would give if it was not capped at 1000 denars). This translates to a return of around 100 denars per day per ~26000 denars invested, given that the prosperity of the Settlement invested in is high (6000+). A investment of one million denars, would provide approximately 4000 denars per day. This is configurable to your liking, though I find these settings to be the least cheesy.
You do need to shop around to find a city that is already prosperous or is moving in the right direction.
A city with 0 prosperity will yield you zero interest. So there may be reasons to move your gold from time to time.
Your investment cannot be:
- Seized during war (since the moneylender is tied to the city, not the factions)
- Sacked by bandits (I don't have any plans to add bank robberies or unlawful seizures)
- Stolen by your spouse
- Spent by your clan members
Withdrawing your money can be done at any time for a modest fee (currently 10%). Meaning the filthy banksman would take 10000 gold for every 100 000 you withdraw. This is also configurable.
I for one would rather pay may hard working army with a safe/steady income from my low yield investments.
Also it felt super dumb that you are only a good trader/investor if you are actively slogging mules from town to town.
Each day a portion (currently 1%) of you earned interest will count as trade income, giving you a passive improvement to your trade skill.