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Separate group of troops is detached from your other formations and is designated as your personal guards.
Guard troops will not respond to your normal commands (by default) so you don't have to micro manage them. (Delegate command and F1+F3 are safe)
Maximum of 5 guards (by default) that scales up with your party size, so you can use the mod from day 1. You'll get your first guard once you have 20 troops.
Disband and recreate your guard detail with CTRL+F1
Have bodyguards during sieges, both attacking and defending
(Option) Change number of guards
(Option) Use specific troops as guards, including custom troops
(Option) Use companions as guards. Select which companions to use via their encyclopedia page!
(Option) Use your weak companions as guards to protect them from combat when you have death enabled
(Option) Place guards in a controllable formation. You may also assign a captain to this formation. Delegate command makes the guards follow you and is enabled at battle start. Formation commands work and you can order them to charge.
(Option) Enable guards for AI generals. This replaces their normal bodyguards with bodyguards from this mod (who won't run off on them).