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Nexus Lex

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About this mod

Castles and towns slowly drift towards the owner's culture.

Permissions and credits
Compiled for game version 1.1.2

The cultural drift is enhanced or hindered depending on the culture of the governor assigned to the fief.

By default, the drift is very slow. You can see the progress in the encyclopedia page for the settlement.

You can also tweak the values by configuring multipliers in the included config.xml file.

<owner_culture value="1.0" />
<governor_culture value="0.33" />
<max_loyalty_bonus value="0.5" />

If loyalty is below 50, the drift will be much slower.
At loyalty 25, only 50% of the drift will apply, and a loyaty zero, none will be considered.

Above 50 loyalty, a bonus will apply according to the max_loyalty_bonus setting.
The default 0.5, means that at 100 loyalty, you get 50% bonus cultural drift.

Once the foreign culture prevalence surpass the current culture, the settlement's culture switches to the dominant culture.

Please let me know if you have any question or if you find an issue.