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Created by

Calradic Campaign Team

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About this mod

Multiplayer module for use with the Calradic Campaign Events hosted on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Read the instructions carefully to ensure that you install the mod properly. You will need to check this page every event for updates as we update the module every event. The newest version will be posted the day of every event.

Permissions and credits
Multiplayer module for use with the Calradic Campaign Events hosted on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.

Join the Mount and Blade discord here!

Updated for Calradic Campaign #54 March 1st, 2025.

The required module needed to participate in the Calradic Campaign multiplayer event, hosted by the official Mount and Blade community Discord. You can read more about the Calradic Campaign event here. This manual install is for people who are not playing on Steam, and thus do not have access to Steam Workshop. As we utilize Steam's auto updating due to how often we update the module, you will need to check this page the day of every event for the newest module download. Older versions will not allow you to join the server. We recognize this is inconvenient, but it is the only way to deliver our extensive troop rebalancing, custom scenes handcrafted for every individual event, and much more.

-The Calradic Campaign scene collection, featuring all of our maps used in mainline and roleplay events
-Server stability patches (Our two hour+ events usually go without a single crash)
-Ability to tweak faction colors for civil war / other mini factions
-Balancing tweaks (Aserai gaining medium infantry, shock infantry becoming more viable, plus much more)
-Ban, teleport, kill, and other admin commands to ensure a fun and fair event.

1. Unzip folder
2. Place whole folder in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules folder
3. Launch game and enable the module in the Multiplayer tab
4. Join the "Calradic Campaign" server at event time

If the mod is not working on your install, go to Calradic Campaign/bin and rename the folder "Gaming.Desktop.x64_Shipping_Client" to "Win64_Shipping_Client" this has been reported to fix the issue for some users on the gamepass version.