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Version v1.1
EBA Lore Friendly FullFix and RBM Replacer 3in1 v1.1: Final version. There will never be another update. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Reupload from 24. 1. 2025: Added Extra Item IDs from the old Dongwalski mod so now this replacer is compatible with the mods/troop trees that use it. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Rebalanced and fixed few items. Reworked all horse armors to match my EoE Saddlery FF&RBM. The zip archive structure is better optimized for mod manager users.
Version v1.0.8
EBA FullFix and RBM 3in1 v1.0.8: All reworked and rebalanced except for most of the 15th and 16th century helmets. Added Extra Item IDs from the old Dongwalski mod so now this mod is compatible with the mods/troop trees that use it.
Version v1.0
Lore Friendly EBA Replacer Final version. Added many item variations. Only lore friendly items in game no full plates, bascinets, sallets etc. Everything up to 13th century (helmets up to 12th). Everything reworked and rebalanced since last version. There are three versions of the names in the zip archive, so select and extract only one of them: Normal names, . Prefix and [EBA] Prefix Both bevors are back as shoulder armor. Since RBM can't calculate face and head protection for shoulder armor, there are 2 helmet dummies (normal and noble) for the bevors if for some reason you want to wear them without helmet. These dummy helmets hide the beard and add adequate protection to the face and head. For each EBA shoulder armor, there are also 7 types of dummies that add shoulder protection for helmets with a long coifs (RBM doesn't support it). All dummies have a .. name prefix, so they are at the very top in the library and are non merchandise, you have to pick them up in the library. So if you wear helmet with iron scale coif and want to wear it with an eyepatch that has a defense of 1 and material/hit sound leather, select the ..Leather Eyepatch (Iron Scale Coif) dummy in the library. It adds defence 35 (34 scale coif + 1 eyepatch) and material/hit sound plate. Check the images in the image library for examples. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
EBA FullFix and RBM 3in1 Everything is the same as with the LF Replacer, only all items are here. Everything is reworked and rebalanced except for the 14th, 15th and 16th century helmets and body armors. These have RBM values from the last version.
Expanded Bannerlord Armoury FullFix & RBM In the original file most of the armors have meaningless weight. There are missmatched hit sounds, armor materials and civilian status. Many helmets have wrong hair and beard covering. I checked every item ingame, fixed all issues and added RBM stats.
Item names changed for better immersion. There are no [ ], fixed typos and wrong/incomplete names. Armor weights were set according to the real armor weights from the internet, more or less.
This mod obviously requires latest Expanded Bannerlord Armoury v1.1 and RBM.
I respect TW's approach on civilian vs combat gear, so most armor parts are combat only.
Installation: Unblock the file and extract it to the Modules game folder. Turn on the mod in your launcher.
Check the image gallery and the first Sticky post to get more info.