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About this mod

This mod fixes many issues in Expanded Bannerlord Armoury items.xml file and adds RBM stats.

Permissions and credits
Expanded Bannerlord Armoury FullFix & RBM
In the original file most of the armors have meaningless weight. There are missmatched hit sounds, armor materials and civilian status.
Many helmets have wrong hair and beard covering. I checked every item ingame, fixed all issues and added RBM stats.

Item names changed for better immersion. There are no [ ], fixed typos and wrong/incomplete names.
Armor weights were set according to the real armor weights from the internet, more or less.

This mod obviously requires latest Expanded Bannerlord Armoury v1.1 and RBM.

I respect TW's approach on civilian vs combat gear, so most armor parts are combat only.

Unblock the file and extract it to the Modules game folder. Turn on the mod in your launcher.

Check the image gallery and the first Sticky post to get more info.