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About this mod

My reshade preset for Epic graphics (for high and mid-end video cards for now, sorry)

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This is my Reshade preset for Bannerlord. My goal was to make this game look more epic, I believe I pretty much achieved it so I want to share with you my preset.
If you find it too dark you can play with in-game exposure, brightness and contrast levels.

I'm testing it in my PC with a RX 580 8gb + Ryzen 2600x + 16gb Ram. It gets around -20 fps (from 80 to 60pfs) so it may need at least a mid-end GPU for playing it smoothly. I'll try to make a lighter version later.

Keep in mind screenshots taken with reshade are getting less quality than in-game graphics, you can download it and check it by yourself. If you know how to maintain quality on screenshots with reshade, please let me know.


1- Download Reshade from 
2- Open the downloaded file, select the "click here to select a game..." option.
3- Look for Bannerlord.Native in the list or browse it (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client)
4- Once you selected the game, select the "Direct3D 10/11/12" option and if there's a new window just select Ok.
5- Download my mod, open the RAR file and extract the EpicReshade.ini file in game's folder.
6- Play the game.

This is not necesary but if you want to support my work for future mods here's a link for making any donation you want, anything will help.

Paypal donation

Thanks for passing by. 
Enjoy and feel free to make any suggestion!