File information
Created by
TadasTheLithuanianUploaded by
TadasTheLithuanianVirus scan
About this mod
Shows you notifications when your party's smithing stamina is replenished + additional features. Safe to add/remove anytime.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Also added feature to regenerate smithing stamina while travelling.
You can toggle everything on/off.
- Shows notification when all party member's smithing stamina is full (on/off)
- Stops waiting when smithing stamina is full (on/off)
- Recovers smithing stamina while travelling. 3 days (72 game hours) to full stamina. (on/off)
- Or recovers stamina based on hero's smithing skill: this option is more immersive. Formula: Regen amount (per hour) = (Smithing skill / 20) (on/off)
- Shows party's current stamina percentage every game hour. (on/off)
- Basic translations for 12 languages using google translate (I know it is not best solution, but at least somethning).
Português (BR), 简体中文, 繁體中文, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, 日本語, 한국어, Polski, Русский, Español (LA), Türkçe
(You can always suggest your own translation, but this mod is too small for translaton to be very important (in my opinion))
Notification Examples
(Seamless vanilla-like notifications)

Can be added/removed anytime. Does not add data to save game files. Should work with almost any game version.
Keep in mind that if you use "Better Smithing Continued" mod's option Recovery rate outside towns then you should disable THIS mod's option to recover stamina while travelling, otherwise you will get stamina recovery from both mods. Also you won't be notified when your stamina is full.
(It is very rare that mods edit this file, so don't worry too much about compatibility)
Since this mod adds information to GUI/Brushes/MapNotification.xml I added compatibilities with these mods that also adds information to MapNotification.xml:
- Artem's Assassination
- Captivity Events
- LT_Education
- Advisable to use 7zip to extract archive.
- Put it in Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Modules folder.
- Enable the mod in the launcher, reorganise it in alphabetical order.
Some general tips for good modding practices:
- Always use only 7zip to extract mod archive.
- When updating mod, always delete old mod and put new mod folder instead. Never overwrite, except when stated by the mod author.
- Properly read nexus mod page description, comment section and bug reports to get familiar with the mod and what is going on.
- Use Bannerlord Software Extender - it is superior Bannerlord launcher.
- From time to time apply good hygiene to Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord folder, because it clutters with all the settings added by all the mods added since the installation of the game.
- Use Better Exception Window mod for catching and sharing crash logs with developers.
Special thanks (credits) to these people:
- Lesser Scholar who made Artisan Beer modding tutorial and his website BannerlordModding.LT. That website is pure gold.
- Mount & Blade Modding discord #bl-coding section programmers.
- Cheyron for general programming help.
- gnivler who made almost the same mod and I saw it only now when I finished my mod...
- punchkid85 for making Regen Stamina On World Map mod.
- And basically any mod creator in this community.
- And a friend TaigerBlood who introduced me to this game.
My other mod: Healing On Kill Based On Medicine Skill