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Mod articles

  • Dunes of the Aserai - Troop Overhaul

    Dunes of the Aserai is now underway

    The troop tree is set up with upgrade paths and skills. What remains is equipment and the balancing that follows.

    This is a WIP setup of the troop tree. Things are likely to change (and some have already changed, like the Immortal having an axe instead of a pike...).

    The left-most path of the tree features lightly armoured, high damage troops, with the exception of the master archers having quite tough armour. These are the troops that will decimate the enemy in a quick battle, but won't last in a prolonged fight. The right path features heavily armoured, lower damage output troops. These troops can hold out for long battles, slowly wearing down the enemy army granted proper formation is kept.

    I don't cu...

  • Troop Overhaul updates

    To whoever it may concern,

    My troop overhauls mods have now all been updated to work with 1.5.7. Taleworlds did an overhaul of how they made the troop XML files, which is why a lot of mods that have not been updated lately will have invincible babies running around instead of proper troops.

    My mods,
    Woods of Battania
    Sturgian Duality
    Iron Arm of Vlandia
    Khuzait Horsemasters
    can now be enjoyed on the latest version! 

    I will continue to make changes to the mods, balancing troop skills and armour stats, something that was sorely needed. In addition to this, I will be looking over the Aserai troops, trying to make an overhaul that fits the theme of Aserai and making the troop tree more interesting and unique. I do w...