Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

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Battle of Thermopylae in Bannerlord with Ancient Calradia mod. Ancient Calradia changes Bannerlord Campaign as well but this is a modded Custom Battle for Ancient Calradia which you can also play and feel the true 300 Spartan experience :)What do you guys think? Are there any other historic battles you would like to see in Bannerlord? Let me know in the comments.

Ancient Calradia is a semi-overhaul mod that transforms Bannerlord factions into their ancient counterparts. This mod divides the Empire into three sections: Imperial Roman, Gallic Roman, and Ancient Greece, without adding a new culture to the campaign, ensuring maximum compatibility with other mods. It replaces Aserai with Persia, Vlandia with Dacia, Khuzait with Saka, Sturgia with Germanic, and Battania with Celtic style. It also turns Imperial Tournaments into Gladiatorial fights.
Quick questions: Can this be played with Lemmy's Europe Map? Yes.
Can this be played with other armor mods? Yes. It doesn't add any new culture or change any settlements or change troop trees, just changes the equipment (for lords, companions etc) and that's about it.

The mod is currently available to Patreon members and will be accessible to the public very soon.