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Settings for stamina/hp regeneration, scanner range, etc.
Using Unity Mod Manager this mod adds a variety of settings to alter the game play.
Simplifies relationship management
This mod removes jealousy from the game and allows you to romance and marry multiple NPCs at the same time
- 26KB
- 2.1k
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This mod removes jealousy from the game and allows you to romance and marry multiple NPCs at the same time
Faster Machine crafting
Allows you to accept as many commerce orders from the commerce board as you like, and change max number of orders on the board.
- 8KB
- 2.0k
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Allows you to accept as many commerce orders from the commerce board as you like, and change max number of orders on the board.
Adds the ability to control the flow of time.By default increases the day length by 2x, one in-game minute per second.
- 6KB
- 1.8k
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Adds the ability to control the flow of time.By default increases the day length by 2x, one in-game minute per second.
Increases the number of skill points added per level, and allows you to arbitrarily add skill points.
- 4KB
- 1.4k
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Increases the number of skill points added per level, and allows you to arbitrarily add skill points.
Extends player leveling system infinitely
Makes various actions and events instantaneous or quicker
A simple mod for My Time At Portia
Allows you to open your farm's storage box list and factory storage from anywhere. Also provides hotkeys for switching your item bar with the first row of your inventory and turning storage pages.
- 6KB
- 996
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Allows you to open your farm's storage box list and factory storage from anywhere. Also provides hotkeys for switching your item bar with the first row of your inventory and turning storage pages.
Causes the relic scanner to reveal all treasure in range at once, and allows adjusting scanner range.
- 27KB
- 889
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Causes the relic scanner to reveal all treasure in range at once, and allows adjusting scanner range.
Removes stack limit for all (or only stackable) items.
Adds more resource levels to mine and tree farm deliveries
Causes loot and mining drops to be instantly transferred to the player's inventory, rather than spawning and being vacuumed. Also increases the range at which dungeon artifacts are picked up.
- 4KB
- 800
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Causes loot and mining drops to be instantly transferred to the player's inventory, rather than spawning and being vacuumed. Also increases the range at which dungeon artifacts are picked up.
Allows you to change the size of each of the three types of storage in the game.
Removes skill level limits.
Allows you to teleport to any place on the main map, even from indoors!
Allows you to set the total number of pages in the player inventory between 3 and 100. Also allows you to unlock all the inventory rows.
- 4KB
- 669
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Allows you to set the total number of pages in the player inventory between 3 and 100. Also allows you to unlock all the inventory rows.