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About this mod

A retexture of Logan's primary skin and Haru in Hello Kitty colors.

Requires Special K, instructions in description.

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As said in the basic description, just another recolor. I also messed a bit with the normals to try to give depth to the bow on his hat emblem to some success. Still figuring those out. Also as said above: This turns Haru's hat white and red. I laughed so hard when I booted up and saw it in their game title screen. Unfortunately to have Logan have both a custom mask and a custom outfit, I have to alter his primary outfit texture. But I feel like if you have Hellogan Kitty going on, a  bit of Harru Kitty hat action isn't gonna break you immersion much,  lmao.

I will copy/paste Lenniere's instructions on how to install and use Special K:

This requires Special K to have the retexture take effect in the game.
Installation instructions for Special K can be found on their website

My Time at Sandrock is a 64-bit program, so you will need to extract
SpecialK64.dll to the folder where the game is installed. This will be
the path where the Sandrock.exe file is
(ex. SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\My Time at Sandrock)

Launch the game and see the Special K banner at the top of the window. Once it
has been successfully injected into your game navigate to the SK_Res
folder ( SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\My Time at Sandrock\SK_Res) and
create an Inject folder, and a texture folder (SK_Res\inject\textures).

Once the texture folder is created, you can drop the file into that folder.
The texture will be injected the next time you run the game.