Fallout countdown timer appears on official site

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A countdown timer has appeared on the official Fallout site and backed up by a tweet on the official Bethesda Twitter account.

Please don't be Fallout Online.


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  1. 123Alisteir
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank f*#@ its coming for consoles aswell so i can play this in my cell when im going to jail for 10 months. Even though ill miss out on the awesome mods you modders make, i bet its gonna bIow me away.
  2. GoldenNate
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Our long long wait has now ended. Fallout 4 coming out soon(Finally). The game looks great, lets hope that it has a good story like Fallout 3 and good gameplay like Fallout NV. I'm so excited
    1. DG3LOLZ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the wait has ended it is still going to take 4 months!!
  3. EmanMacster117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would've been cool if they added a co-op free roam or something similar.
  4. ZyaKen
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I would like to ask a question. I just recently began using nifscope and so far, only know how to remove pieces of armor. I read that G.E.C.K. is needed for nifscope. So I've tried installing it and keep getting an error about a dll file which is present. Does G.E.C.K. require some sort of file reader to install properly?
    1. mortis venunum
      mortis venunum
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      With nifskope no need G.E.C.K ! for remove or add , copy , past ...I use version 2.0 work with skyrim F3 or FNV
  5. mortis venunum
    mortis venunum
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    e3 reveals much attention to the spoiler !!
    see it or not!


    i see :p
  6. frostbyte2015
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I just hope that it will inspire, New and Old groups of mod Authors to get to work and create some truly Spectacular mods!
    I am Very Much looking forward to getting it and seeing where it goes.
  7. AbsoluteMx
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    yeah no more of this online garbage
    I'm pretty sure though it isn't though.
    But if it was... I'd rage for a whole day
  8. Sandraniks
    • member
    • 89 kudos
    Great news thank you
  9. Letalis001
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Im writing this in response to the dumbing down fears that bethesda is supposedly noted for.

    I started with Morrowind. loved it thought it was a great game.

    for its time.

    i never really got a chance to play daggerfall and arena properly. DOS emulation can be a chore to setup and even when that style was all the rage. i wasnt really keen on the controls and gameplay felt stiff.

    Oblivion i considered an improvement over morrowind in terms of gameplay. sure not being able to make a spell that wipes out the entire town and no levitate spells sucked but lets be realistic here. no npc had a single cast nuclear spell that would just annihilate things. they also couldnt use levitate spells. and in oblivion, they actually fixed magic so that playing a mage was an actual viable option vs morrowind where you spent more time sleeping or drinking potions than actually using magic.

    oblivion had some things however that were broken too. chameleon anyone? enchant all your armor with 20% chameleon then walk through town and punch random people in the back of the head. and watch the illusion of people with some semblance of sanity unravel as you officially unleash war in the imperial city, or well anywhere in cyrodiil actually. since they couldnt see you, theyd just murder each other. sure its funny to watch, but hardly would i call that immersive.

    oh you dont have to 'find' the quests because the arrow tells you where to go. uh. first off. morrowinds 'directions' were bad in best case scenarios and abyssmal in worst case scenarios. most adventurers would carry a compass. better still. most adventurers would even be good at using said compass and a map. all bethesda did really was give you a convenient way to find a needle in a 14 square mile sized haystack. so you can equate quest selection to simplifying the process of marking a location, and based on distance, landmarks (on the map) and current location, the marker shows the relative position of the target.

    With that said, Skyrim is not without its flaws. but lets be real here. Skyrims combat is far more fun than in any other tes title. the spells, while not as diverse because of a lack of spell crafting overall were pretty well done and varied enough to make playing a mage more effective. and where did most of these game mechanics derive from?


    Now for fallout. Ive played fallout since the first game. loved it then. still love the game. and when fallout 3 came out it was a good game. But i feel new vegas outshined it in every way. because the game mechanics were closer to the original games than 3's.

    With bethesda back at the helm, i hope that they take some pages from obsidians playbook for 4. because the additions that obsidian made truly made for a more authentic fallout experience. and more than likely. they will. skyrim is proof that bethesda isnt stupid when it comes to seeing what players want and how to do it. skyrim i dont think was dumbed down, simply streamlined. and most of skyrims best gameplay mechanics were derived directly from oblivion mods.

    good examples of dumbing down? mass effect series. you have a game that had traditional rpg elements, that by the third game was just a third person action title. Bethesda has never done that. usually if they see something that doesnt work well. they simply consolidate it and streamline it.
    1. BluePixel
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
      This a fresh perspective in this comment section. All TES games have flaws and strong points.
      For example, content was massive in Daggerfall and was reduced significantly in Morrowind. This in itself doesn't mean the game was bad.

      Also, there''s an already patched installer for Daggerfall that works really well

      As for Fallout 4, it seems the character customization will be very limited. A very bad direction.

    2. Cyther8897
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Isn't it always? :')
    3. undeadcrab
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      And also people are complaining about how some npc's in skyrim are essential. Do you realize how frustrating it is when an important quest npc walks into lava pit(morrowind)?
    4. JimboUK
      • premium
      • 463 kudos
      Obsidian didn't have essential NPCs other than companions, it wasn't a problem. Essential NPCs save providing alternative routes through quests, they're ideal for Bethesda whose quests are always on rails, I'd rather they followed Obsidian's lead and provided for alternatives rather than fall back time and again on indestructible NPCs.
    5. Wintercross
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      not to mention Skyrim actually had the solution to the issue but failed to use it fully... Protected NPC's. They won't die from falling off a ledge or get killed by bandits, but the the player fights them you can kill them.

      Much better than the god like indestructible npc's imo.
    6. KensaiTonada
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      "As for Fallout 4, it seems the character customization will be very limited. A very bad direction."

      Hopefully mods like Race Menu for TESV will alter this.
    7. Camonna Tong
      Camonna Tong
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      If I recall, at least from what I read, they had AI problems with the whole protected NPCs thing.
    8. Camonna Tong
      Camonna Tong
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      People thought the same with Skyrim. They showed a default Nord with an Iron helmet. It still allowed for customization. Same will be for Fallout 4. They are just making a default guy to show him off more in a sense.
  10. ZyaKen
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Fallout. What a game. In every one you bust your hiney to become a warrior...and then die for people who don't give a crap, just cause everyone, except the player should live forever. It would've been nice to know at the end of it all, that whatever choice you made. You had the opportunity of seeing the outcome of you're choice, like the Divide. A Game like Skyrim that continues until the player is satisfied.. And Skyrim? Now this is a good game. Been playing it since Bethesda released it. Lots of power being Dovahkin. If only after defeating alduin people would look towards the worship of real-raw-power, instead of some statue that used an entire army instead of ( like the Dovahkin, which kick's everyone's buttocks mostly by themselves.) At least showing (Us, "The Player) dignity, for all they've done. This is very big down-trot for serious players. That's why I use alot of Skyrim Mods. Or any Mod for that matter. That re-scripts Attitude-Imposing npc's, adds unatainable items like Guns in Skyrim. If they're stupid enough to talk garbage to a Terminator/Rambo. That Player can choose to become their worst nightmare. Now as for Fallout 4? This would be an excellent thing if it was modified for PC offline and a continual that lasted until the Player had they're fill. Not another "play until it's time to die" situation. This gets old.
    1. momuse88
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      What? Stop smoking grass, son.