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Orbital Sector Elite

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About this mod

Replaces a few tirebombs in-game with their Shift 2 versions.

Permissions and credits
Ever played Shift 2? If so did you like and or remember the exhilarating, adrenaline filled gameplay, the atmosphere, the car sounds, the works conversions, the Gladiator remixes?!

While there are a lot of elements from Shift 2 that I miss and wish were incorporated into newer NFS.. at least we can enjoy the tirebombs from that game in Unbound.

This mod replaces the current Toyo, Falken, & Kumho tirebomb textures with the ones from Shift 2: Unleashed. Since Shift 2 is a game from 2011 the textures used for the tirebombs then were very low-res and needed to be upscaled & enhanced so that they could look good in Unbound. If you want to know the exact numbers... 256x256. Yeah.. I've upscaled them to a nice and crisp 1024x1024.

The mod is separated into 3 mods (lol) 

  • Toyo
  • Falken
  • Kumho
Inspired/Themed Designs
  • Speedhunters
  • Need For Speed
  • Nankang
  • Nankang

As the names imply, SH, NFS, & Nankang all have custom designed tirebombs in the theme of Shift 2. Since none of those were in that game. As for Street.. it was just a placeholder design I made for Nankang during the design process. It wasn't really in the theme of Shift at all, but it still looked pretty good in game so I decided to have it be released as well rather than to rot away in a folder. (Both Inspired & Street are optional)

The rear Nankang CR-S tire with the Nankang tirebomb specifically will disappear whenever you try to lower the wheel size from max. However, this issue is not because of my mod. It is a vanilla/base game issue that Criterion will have to fix later down the line. I attempted to see if I could fix that issue my self but unfortunately I could not come across the solution even after some tinkering, so we just have to hope that Criterion will fix it sooner or later. (Why specifically the rear tire is bugged and somehow not the front tire as well is beyond me). With the new update (Ver 1.1) this issue is now fixed. It's still a base game issue, but with my mod applied you won't have to deal with it. The fix is available on all 3 mods so you don't have to install a specific one just to get the fix. I also made a video showcasing the fix.

Slightly Mad Studios (original textures)
0x56E49F04 (Virtual Photography) / A huge majority of the camera shots in the images section were done by him. I did a few myself, but you can obviously tell which ones they did and which ones I did just from observing the sheer quality of the shots haha. 

If you like this mod or any of the mods I've uploaded then check out my  for my socials and any other platforms that I'm on.