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About this mod

(NWN 1 - Script) The purpose of this package is to improve the efficiency of the standard \"gargoyle\" system, placeables turning into monsters, by using an AOE\'s OnEnter event instead of a placeable\'s heartbeat.

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The purpose of this package is to improve the efficiency of the standard "gargoyle" system, placeables turning into monsters, by using an AOE's OnEnter event instead of a placeable's heartbeat. The radius of the AOE is used to determine proximity. Then the creature's heartbeat is used to determine whether any PCs are in range, and if not, the creature changes back into a placeable again. Incidentally, this enables the creature to heal itself.

The replacing version of this package when imported will cause any placeables using NW_02_GARGOYLE (gargoyle statue), NW_02_SKELETON (skeleton bones), or NW_02_ZOMBIE (zombie corpse) on their heartbeat to replace themselves on their first heartbeat with an AOE version. A builder would only need to import aoe_gargoyle_rep.erf to improve module performance (if these placeables are in the module).