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This area was influenced on the Amadican town of Mardecin, from the Wheel of Time. It has a road running East/West, with three doors available to add transits to. All other doors are non-usable placeables, but can be replaced with working doors via the method described in the CEP 2.3 documentation.
- 472KB
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This area was influenced on the Amadican town of Mardecin, from the Wheel of Time. It has a road running East/West, with three doors available to add transits to. All other doors are non-usable placeables, but can be replaced with working doors via the method described in the CEP 2.3 documentation.
(NWN 1 - Script) The purpose of this package is to improve the efficiency of the standard \"gargoyle\" system, placeables turning into monsters, by using an AOE\'s OnEnter event instead of a placeable\'s heartbeat.
- 58KB
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(NWN 1 - Script) The purpose of this package is to improve the efficiency of the standard \"gargoyle\" system, placeables turning into monsters, by using an AOE\'s OnEnter event instead of a placeable\'s heartbeat.